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1 year later

Hiccup's POV

Toothless and I are four years old now. It has been a year since I met Toothless, and I was planning on visiting both of my friends today.

I left early in the morning to visit Fishlegs first, finding him already playing outside.

"Wanna go to the stream 'gain?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"That be fun," he replied with a smile as he stood up.

As we walked to the stream, we started discussing what we wanted to do once we got there.

"We could make a code and code names," I suggested on the walk.

He gave me a confused look. "Why?" he asked.

I shrugged. "So you stay with the gang, and we still talk."

"Good idea... But what if we forgets the code?" he demanded.

"I bring paper and ink. We can writes it down," I replied proudly.

"Okay, we start with names, then figure out code," he thought for a minute. "I think we make it our favourite dragon spellts backwards."

"Yes, that a good idea!" I exclaimed. "Who's gonna guess that. 'Kay, my favourite dragon is Night Fury, so my code name would be..." I paused as I wrote the word in the dirt forwards and then backwards. "Yruf Thgin (pronounce, rough thig in)," I stated.

"Okay, Yruf Thgin. My favourite dragon is a Gronckle, so my code name would be..." He copied my tactic before shouting, "Elkcnorg (pronounce, Elk Norg)."

"Now the code..." I said with a smile.

We spent hours creating a code. We assigned each letter and number a series of dots with some placed above others. (See code below)

 (See code below)

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We decided that we would carry a copy of the code around with us, hiding another copy elsewhere. Just in case someone ever wanted the code, we would be able to destroy the one we carried around with us, and still have another one for us to use.

We had spent almost all day figuring out what our code should look like, and by the time we returned I didn't have much time to visit my Night Fury friends. But I had to get there, or they might worry that something had happened to me. So when no one was looking, I slipped into the forest, running as fast as I could to the cove.

Dawn's POV

I was practicing my flying skills when I heard something moving quickly towards me. I stayed hidden in the branches of the trees, allowing me to investigate the source of the noise.

I eventually was able to get directly above the source. When I looked down, I immediately knew who it was. I grinned as I decided to have some fun with him.

I kept to the branches as I followed Hiccup through the trees. Ultimately, I got in front of him, and when he passed under my tree I tackled him.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed.

"Hiccup! I was wondering when you would come back," I said while laughing my head off.

"Oh," he replied, clearly embarrassed. "Hi Dawn. You scared me," he muttered.

"Well obviously!" I exclaimed "You wouldn't have screamed so loudly if I hadn't. That was hilarious!"

"Well, Imma glad someone had fun. How long was you following me?" he asked.

"At least five minutes. Honestly, Hiccup, sometimes you should look up," I told him with a wide grin.

We started chatting as we walked back to the cove. My siblings heard us coming, immediately rushing up to join us. It was safe to say that we were all pleased that my mom had finally accepted Hiccup. I would even go as far as to say that she thinks of him as one of her own. The last thought made me smile as I walked into the cove.

Lagoon's POV

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Dawn and Hiccup enter the cove. I had sworn to myself that I wasn't going to let anything happen to my children... or Hiccup. I shook my head as I realized that even if he wasn't of my flesh and blood, I would stop at nothing to ensure that he was safe. I prayed to the stars that he would come with us when we leave. I knew that I needed to tell Hiccup, and soon. Especially since we would be leaving within the year. My children would be heartbroken if he decided to stay. And that's if one forgets that he doesn't belong in a village of dragon slayers.

"Okay, we are going on a flight through the woods!" I exclaimed. "I want to test your endurance. Hiccup you're with me."

"Really?" Hiccup asked, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Yes," I replied as I knelt, helping him get onto my back.

"I'm going to last the longest," called Dawn from where she hovered in the sky.

"No, you're not I am!" The other three called simultaneously. Then, the inevitable happened. They all started arguing and talking over each other. I let out a long-suffering sigh at their antics.

I heard Hiccup start talking to me, "I no be long. Have ta be back by dark." I grimaced slightly. I had hoped that he would be able to spend more time with us. We would have to make do with only having an hour with him.

"Okay, we'll drop you off at the edge of the village by sunset." He gave me a look of gratitude laced with a bit of sadness. "Don't worry. We'll tell you who won tomorrow." He perked up again, already smiling brightly.

40 minutes later

Hiccup's POV

Flying is amazing! It was so much better than I imagined. The sensation of freedom that accompanied it made flying even better. That was probably why when the sun started to drop below the horizon, forcing Lagoon to drop me off, that I was so disappointed.

"Thanks so much! Best thing ever," I said while hugging the Night Furies. I said my goodbyes as I watched them take off. They were beautiful. How could anyone ever want to kill one of them? I wondered as I ran as fast as I could back to my house.

I somehow made it back before it was completely dark. All my dad said was, "You cut that close. Now time for bed."

I nodded, not minding that I already had to go to bed. I was utterly exhausted after my long day of having fun with my friends.


I want to thank all of those who have read this far. I know I haven't really done anything exciting yet. I'm doing my best and this is my first book, so any feedback is welcome. However, if you are just going to say that you hate this book please consider what I have said above and that I have feelings as well.

Anyway, I'm planning on making this book far more interesting from the next chapter and on. Sorry for the slow start.

Again, thank you so much, and please tell me how I am doing.

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