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 Delta's POV

"So the first thing that you need to know in order to be the dragon princess is how to speak dragonease, the language of the dragons." He was still in his dragon form.

"But, I can already understand it, why do I need to speak it?"

"Quit complaining. You aren't getting out of this." I just gaped at him. No one has ever out sassed me.

"But why?" He just glared at me.

"Fine! But-"

"No, but's."


"I said no but's. Now, repeat after me. Delta."


"Del ta"

"Del ta"

"Delt a"

"Ughh, why is this so hard."

"Be patient, it took me two years to learn."

"What!? You're making me learn something that took you two years!"

"Yes, but, you didn't let me finish. It took me two years to learn dragonease, but I wasn't trying to learn so you'll eventually be able to do it no problem. We're just trying to speed up the process of learning. So that there isn't a language barrier. Anyway, you almost had it. Now, try again."

"Can you say it again?"



"See you did it. The language will begin to get easier the more you learn. Okay, let's try Dawn."

"Daw n"


"You got it on your second try that time. Try saying an entire sentence."

"Ummm... I want to try something new. How did I do?"

"Well, you sound just like me. I would start to say things in dragonease and then say them in Norse. Also, I didn't always know when I would start speaking in dragonease and when I would speak Norse. In other words, you did very well."

"How much more do I need to learn today?"

"Nothing, go see if you can have a conversation in dragonease with the other dragons."

The Next Day

I had a lot of conversations with the dragons. Sometimes I would speak Norse and sometimes I would speak dragonease. I was starting to understand why it was so important for me to speak the language.

Speaking dragonease to other dragons made me belong more and also help me gain their trust faster. It could also help me say things that I didn't want other humans to know but needed to say in order for dragons to be saved.

I was sitting beside the small lake when Hiccup came up and curled around me. "Wow, that is beautiful." I had been drawing the crystal with all of the dragons around it. "How is the dragonease coming along?"

"I've learned so much. You were right I just had to stick with it and it would become easier. And thank you very much. So what are we learning today?"

"You are going to meet the rest of my family and continue to practice dragonease. You will learn how to shift only once you have mastered our language."

"Wait, there are more dragons in your family? I thought it was just you, Dawn, Toothless, and Lagoon."

"It's a large family. Oh great, it's almost noon. We have to go."

When we arrived I saw seven dragons and another human. All of the dragons were Night Furies except one, that I couldn't identify.

"Finally, you sure do know how to make others wait." I immediately knew who had spoken.


"Ah, she's progressing very well. Better than you."

"Haha Toothless thank you so much for that comment."

"You are very welcome, Hiccup." And then Hiccup and Toothless started to play-fight.

"What is going on?" I decided to talk to the girl.

"Oh, besides Hiccup and Toothless being brothers they are also best friends. They were actually best friends long before Hiccup was adopted by Lagoon. Anyway, just so you know I do understand dragonease I just can't speak it. The only humans who can speak it are the dragon prince and princess. So dragons will know you for what you are if you can speak their language."

"Ha, I pinned you."

"Yeah, yeah, you always win." Hiccup then proceeded to look around."Oops, I forgot to introduce everyone. Okay, this is Delta, she is my blood sister."

"This is Moon, the oldest. Streak is the youngest. Frost, the former king, and our father. Windshear is the Razorwhip and Heather are our adoptive sisters as well. Our mom likes to take all in need in." Dawn continued.

We had dinner as a family. Lagoon adopted me as well so now I'm part of a blood family and an adoptive family.

When everyone had finished eating Toothless spoke up; "Hiccup, you and I are raid duty this week. Dawn and Heather, you are in charge of training."

"Is this just an excuse to get alone time with your best friend?" asked Moon. We laughed very hard at her comment.

"So, Toothless when do we leave?" he just gave Hiccup a look. Hiccup apparently took that as 'we leave now' because he said, "Okay, bye. We'll see you all next week."

They took off to Thor knows where.


Sorry for the short chapter. I hit a writer's block. But, I'm pretty sure the next chapter is going to be way better.

Also, the image at the start of the chapter doesn't really go with the chapter but whatever.


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