What's Your Name?

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Toothless's POV

I had sent Heather after Hiccup a day after he'd been taken. She had taken a Deadly Nadder named Rose with her. Rose had volunteered to go. That was two days ago. I should've sent her sooner, but we had needed to form a plan.

I felt helpless about this situation. I tried telling myself that I had done as much as I could. But, my heart told me to do more. While my head told me to wait.

It was getting to be late evening and I had started wondering if I should go after them when a dark shadow appeared on the horizon.

At first, I had thought it to be a cloud. Blocking the last rays of the sun, but it was moving too quickly. Coming towards me while the wind blew away.

I didn't let myself hope that it was Hiccup. That he had somehow escaped with so many dragons. No, it must just be a flock of dragons. Probably, going to start a raid, or return to their nest.

I knew that I should stop them, but I couldn't move.

The dragons kept coming closer. When they were about five minutes away I saw that there was a huge dragon swimming below them. That must be their king or queen.

Something caught my eye in the cloud. Rather two somethings. They were both Night Furies. And one... One had someone on it's back. A black-haired someone.

Heather. She must be on Hiccup, but who's the other black dragon? Wait... Hiccup's back!!!!!!

I flew up to greet Hiccup and Heather.

"I'm so glad you are okay. I sent Heather as soon as we had a plan."


"Wait, his name's Toothless?"

"Yes, it is. What about it?" I asked the new Night Fury.

"Ummm... It's just an interesting name?" She said.

"Okay... Thanks?"

"When you two lovebirds are done here, you can come and join all of us in the Hidden World." Hiccup said.

It took both of us a minute to register what Hiccup had just said."What???!!! No, no, no, no, no! We're not... We just..." We refuted at the same time, while I aimed to whack him with my wing. But, he easily dodged.

"Sure you aren't." Hiccup said sarcastically and smirked at us, but flew into the Hidden World and was quickly followed by every dragon in the flock.

"So..." I say shyly."What's your name?"

"Oh... My name is Sky."

"Sky. That's a really pretty name. It reminds me of the night." There was an awkward silence.

"Well... Do you want to go down or just keep hovering, awkwardly?"

"Oh, right. Sorry. Do you want to meet my family? It's kind of large."

"Why is it so big?"

"My mom has a really big heart. Come on." I gestured for her to follow me.

Sky's POV

As we flew through the Hidden World I gasped in awe.

We had reached a huge stack with waterfalls and ponds and caves, when he said, "So... What do you think?"

I was about to answer but was cut short by a bunch of Night Furies and a Razorwhip jumping on him.

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