Questions Asked

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Hiccup's POV

It was dusk, a day after my return to Berk. Thanks to realizing Astrid was perfectly safe my thoughts cleared. Which finally made me realize what I had done.

Ugh... I was such an idiot. What did I do? How could I do that?

"What are you thinking about?" Astrid asked me.

"That I'm glad that I left but also mad at myself for leaving."

"It's okay, Hiccup. You did what you thought was right."

I smiled at her sadly, "I don't think I was thinking. Now I just feel as if some instinct told me to go back to you. It's like that time I blasted into the arena. I just... Knew."

"Whatever the reason, I'm glad you are here." She's so beautiful. "You still look troubled, though. Are you sure you are okay?"

It was now or never. "Well, I guess I need to tell you this. Have I told you about the Fury Killer before?"


"The Fury Killer. I've never met him, but all dragons know of him. He is the reason why there are hardly any Light Furies left and even fewer Night Furies. He... demolished... the Island of Night 15 years ago, the main home of Night Furies. He killed all 400 of them except for the six you've met. There are 12 Night Furies left and all dragons fear the Fury Killer. He can take any of them down without a problem. There were over 1000 dragons living on that one island and he took almost all of them down without receiving a scratch. The Hidden World is on the verge of war with him, and I fear..."

" fear that you and your family and friends won't make it out alive." She finished my sentence for me. I nodded. That was exactly what I feared, and if they didn't then I don't think I could live with my guilt for failing to protect them. "Hiccup, I can't do much to help, but I will help you even if no one else does."

"You'd do that? Risk your life to help me save my family?"

"Yes. I'd do it a thousand times." I felt a spark grow in me and I knew then that I loved her beyond words could describe beyond my abilities to make anyone understand in any language. I saw the love in her eyes for me as clearly as my own eyes surely showed her mine for her.

I kissed her passionately feeling her love for me. When we pulled away from each other I said, "I love you so much, Astrid. More than any words in any language could describe."

"Me too, Hiccup. Me too." We sat down and watched the sunset on the edge of the cliff where we stood. Then we went flying under the stars.

And for that moment I felt I had made the best choice in my life, that I knew that if I had Astrid by my side nothing could stop us. That we could do anything, as long as we did it together.

Astrid's POV

I was glad Hiccup had finally come back, even if it was against the orders of his brother. I missed him so much and I really thought something bad had happened to him. He told me everything that had happened in his year in the Hidden World.


"Hi, Astrid."

"Hiccup needs to talk to you about something."


"Let's go. He's waiting."

When we got to the cove Delta yelled, "Hiccup!"

"Delta! I missed you!"

"Me too. When did you get here?"

"Two days ago, but you were away on your trip."

"So, when did Toothless finally decide to let you visit again?"

"Well, in truth, he didn't let me visit. I ran away."


"Well, that's the reason I asked Astrid to find you. I need your help."

Delta looked at me. I smiled sadly at her, "What happened?"

Hiccup didn't seem like he was about to answer so I said, "Do you know about the Fury Killer?"

Delta's face drained of colour, "You mean the one who nearly destroyed the Island of Night? He didn't... Did he?"

"No. Not yet, anyway." Hiccup said. "But... I need Berk's help. The Fury Killer has become really dangerous recently. He's the reason I'm not allowed to be here anymore. He set up his base a day's flight from the Hidden World. I'm afraid that he may discover the Hidden World soon. And to make matters worse, we're about to declare war on him. But... we don't stand a chance."

"I'll help, Hiccup. But, I need to talk to dad about this." Hiccup nodded.

"I'm leaving tomorrow because I fear that war is too close for me not to go back soon."

"Hiccup. I'm going with you. I made you a promise and I plan on keeping it."

"Okay. I need to be given all of the details." We walked back to the village.

When we were there Delta walked back to her house.

Hiccup and I were standing there for quite some time in comfortable silence. The sun was finishing setting when Hiccup said, "I want to talk to you." I was about to call Stormfly when he gently grabbed my arm, "Alone."

"Okay, lead the way." He led me into the forest and shifted into a Night Fury. I got on and he flew us to the sea stack. The sea stack where he told me the truth about being the dragon prince. I got off and he shifted back.

He started pacing just like he had back then. He was holding something small and turning it over in his hands.

Suddenly, he stopped and took a deep breath.

He looked me in the eyes and in his I saw the same amount of love for me as had been in his eyes last night.

"Astrid. I think you are the most beautiful person in the world." He started, clearly, he was still nervous. "You are so smart and strong and you have the most beautiful eyes. I love that you are always there for me that you always listen to me and that you never let anyone push you around." Awwww... That's so nice. "I love how much you care about Stormfly and I love how much you care about my family." Oh Thor, is this really happening? "I love everything about you and I want you to be by my side every day for the rest of our lives." He got onto one knee and opened the box he was holding, all while looking into my eyes. "Astrid. I love you and I always will. Will you honour me in the greatest way possible and marry me?"

I blinked and felt tears in my eyes. I wiped them away. I nodded.

"Yes. I say yes. One hundred thousand million times, yes." He put the ring on my finger that I knew he'd carved and kissed me even more passionately than last night. When we pulled apart I said, "Hiccup, I love you so much. I love everything about you."

We flew back to Berk so that we could prepare to leave tomorrow morning.

When I got back to my house Stormfly was waiting, "Where were you? I got worried."

"Hiccup wanted to talk to me." Stormfly nodded and then she started staring at my hand.

"Where'd that come from?" Stormfly pointed to my finger.

"Hiccup gave it to me."

"There's something significant about it. You hold it as if you don't want to lose it and you didn't tell me about it right away."

"That's my girl. Always figuring things out for herself. Hiccup asked me to marry him and I said yes." Stormfly tilted her head. "It means we're soon-to-be-mates."

"I knew this would happen eventually. Congratulations."

"Thank you. Also, we are going to the Hidden World tomorrow. We are helping out with war so get some sleep."

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