Candle Light

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The world at the moment seemed to be revolving, spinning like a top. The creator slowly forced himself to sit up, clutching his skull in pain, unsure of where he currently was. The location seemed dark and the building old and made of wood, brick, and stone, wood making up most of it. Ink, now sitting up with his legs outstretched in front of him, waited for the world to stop spinning, which eventually it did. He glanced around and realized the building he was in was lit up by only candle light. Surprisingly, it was decently lit so he could see the passageway in front of him, yet not all details were visible.

He then heard a groan to his left. His eye lights momentarily flashed to exclamation marks as he turned his head to his left side to see none other than his number one enemy, Error. For some reason, he appeared smaller than usual...

Ink continued to stare for a few moments as Error slowly pushed himself up on his arms from his once laying face flat on the floor position. Error quickly moved one of his hands to clutch his skull, his face showing that he was in pain.

Ink quickly backed up a few inches and got to his feet and reached for Broomie.

"You stay right there Error!" He called, not noticing the change in his voice making him sound younger.

The creator then froze when he realized his trusting paint brush wasn't there.

Error happened to glance up to notice, smirking while stifling a laugh.

"B-Broomie?" Ink mused frantically looking all around himself. "Broomie? Oh, where are you!"

The creator continued to panic.

"Heh... NoT so tough without your giant artist brush, are you?" Error mocked and suddenly froze noticing how his voice sounded a higher pitch than usual, making him seem less intimidating and old.

Ink, meanwhile, struggled to stifle his laughter, the other's voice catching him off guard.

"Dude... What happened to your voice?" Ink said and couldn't help but start laughing, no longer panicking over his missing paint brush.

"H-Hey!" Error shouted back, slightly embarrassed. "At least I don't sound like a pig on helium!"

By now Error was sat up, his legs beneath him, facing away from the creator and down the hallway, crossing his arms and slightly blushing from being embarrassed in front of his nemesis.

Ink suddenly commenced his laughter and shot a small glare at Error. "I do not!"

"Maybe that's because you didn't notice from your voice not seeming to have changed much." Error replied back, smirking, and turning back to face Ink.

"H-hey!" Ink shouted back, crossing his arms as well, turning his head away from the destroyer and mumbling something under his breath.

Error just shrugged, not worried about what Ink had mumbled and he slowly stood up, shoving his hands in his hoodie's pockets. That's when he noticed his hoodie was a little bigger than usual. Error glanced down at the hoodie, debating how that could have happened.

Ink slowly turned back to face Error.

"So..." Ink trailed off before continuing. "You know where we're at?"

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