To Tell One Everything

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"Things are getting bad... We've solved our food problem, but now we're coming close to discovery. Though getting into and out of the void is hard, it's still possible. Trust me, I've had my experiences. A group has recently been getting close to perfect entry, with using positive feelings according to what some of my test results prove to show. I guess we could all hide with having everyone suffer more misery, but that wouldn't suffice. That's not the goal here."

"Worse comes to worse, I'll have to remove our artificial soul from one of our patients, though he seems quite content with it. I at least wish to escape with that experiment. It could save lives... Speaking of that, emotional outbreaks, or scenes, have seemed to become a little more common for him. Perhaps I could supply some better way for him to express his emotions besides communication, but communication appears the only solution we can provide... Nothing too bad has happened yet, luckily, but due to the test results a few days back and the more common confusion he seems to be suffering due to too many emotions and new feelings attacking him at once, I believe I may need to take a small action so he doesn't suffer a mental shutdown."

The clicking of keys of the head scientist as he typed continued.

"Later today I will start testing those who survived both the disease and medicine to see how badly they've been affected. Just by looking at a few, I can tell their souls have begun to crumble and shatter into a million pieces. More work in safety will have to be done to prevent such an event to occur again..."


"So, If you could change your magic to any kind ever imaginable right now, what would you change it to and why?"

"Any kind..?"

"Yep!" Replied the creator.

"Well..." Started Error. "I'd change my magic so if I snapped my fingers, any au I think of in that moment would poof out of existence, gone, like it was never there, and that you couldn't rebuild it."

"Typical." Ink replied, unsurprised, rolling his eyes.

"What else did you expect..?"

"Something a little more, creative?"

"Nah, that's your thing." Error replied, skipping a small stone across the cell floor they sat on.

Useless inquiries like that one had been being asked for the past hour or so as the two of them sat on the floor of the cell, bored. To them, it helped pass the time.

"What would you choose? Even though I probably know the answer..." The destroyer asked.

"Well, Hmm..." Ink mused, thinking a minute.

"Oh, I know!" He excitedly exclaimed in reply, coming up with an idea. "Something like telekinesis always seemed cool, so I guess something like that or blue magic if I had to change the abilities I have now."

A somewhat surprised expression came to the destroyer's face. It wasn't really the answer he was expecting.

"Okay, my turn." Error started. "If you had to destroy one au, or else the others would all die, which one would it be?"

"What kind of a question if that?!" Ink replied. "You know that one's nearly impossible for me."

Error couldn't help but laugh a little.

Both suddenly froze when the door to their cell opened, revealing four guards.

Error sighed.

"Well, guess we're back to this hell..." He mumbled to no one in particular.

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