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"I... N-no..." The destroyer mused as he watched in terror as the creator's soul began to crack, due to his strings crushing it slowly as he had the creator pinned to the wall by his neck.

The sickening scientist had done the same experiment from the day before this day as well. This time though, what the destroyer had been injected with was worse. He could hardily even feel his true self anymore due to it. He was blinded by rage.

The creator in front of him seemed to be speaking, possibly screaming, likely begging for mercy, but he couldn't be heard. All Error saw was the other's mouth move and tears poiring down his white boned face.

He felt himself slowly tighten the string more and more.

Stop it!
Why won't it stop!
Why can't I stop!
We have a goal to achieve.
Did you think we were going to abandon it..?

Get out of my head!
Get out!
Get out!

How can I?
I'm part of you~!

Suddenly Error felt the creator's soul crack in half and then split into millions of slivers under his strings.

His and Ink's eyes widened

Seconds later the creator started to cough, coughing up blood.

A minute of this passed, leaving the creator on the ground in pain, fighting the enviable.

Error felt himself watching from above.

He finally felt himself snap back into the reality as he saw Ink start to dust, staring at his legs. The creator too noticed. Both were surprised. Error had at least hoped that perhaps Ink could survive, having lived without a soul for majority of his existence, but it appeared a false hope, the creator's whole form having become reliant on the soul.

Ink then looked up at Error, a weak smile on his face.

"I... love you..." He whispered out, just seconds before he completely became a pile of dust.

"NO!" The destroyer screamed in dismay, breaking free from the nonexistent puppet strings that once held him, refusing to face what had occurred.

Tears began to roll down the destroyer's face and he dropped down sadly to his knees. He looked out in front of himself at the dust.

His fault.
It was his fault.

He suddenly woke up screaming the same line as he awoken with a jump of fear, clutching his chest, his soul racing with fear.

He felt Ink also jolt awake with his sudden shout and movement, having had been laying with his head on the destroyer's shoulder and arm.

Error was breathing quickly. He looked around the darkened cell, eye lights narrowed with fear, glad it was only a dream.

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