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It was an average day in the Multiverse for the creator. Like usual, Ink was out about checking on a few AUs here and there, mostly making sure that Nightmare and his gang didn't mess anything up that went unnoticed by Dream. Today though, it was a little different. The creator couldn't seem to keep his mind straight.

Sure he remembered to check on a minimum of twenty AUs, giving full check ups, but he found himself very easily distracted. He was distracted by the thought of Error and Error alone. He couldn't seem to get the glitchy skeleton off his mind. The worse part? The fantasies he would accidentally daydream up while he checked multiple AUs. He was fortunate no one was around when that happened for he could always feel his face heat up and he always struggled to dismiss the thoughts. He felt even more relieved that one of his closest friends, Dream, couldn't see anyone's daydreams, only the dreams when they slept.

Ink wasn't sure why his mind was stuck on the topic of the glitchy skeleton, he usually could dismiss the whole topic, but today was different. He found himself being more careless due to it, almost being spotted by civilians of a few AUs he visited. He also noticed his forgetfulness worsen while distracted by such a topic. He even almost forgot that him, Blue, and Dream were going to meet up at their little hangout for a bit that day.

Luckily he found himself remembering and only arrived an hour late... Which was unusual for meeting up with his two best friends.

Upon arriving to the isolated area that existed outside of any AU for protection reasons, he opened the door to the medium sized house like building. It was more used almost as a clubhouse or for when they needed to meet together to discuss certain phenomenons in the Multiverse or it's destroyers.

As soon as he stepped in, Dream and Blue hurried over to the door, clearly having been waiting for a while.

"Yay, you're finally here!" Blueberry exclaimed.

"Is something wrong?" Dream asked. "You usually never arrive this late."

"No... It just slipped my mind, sorry." The creator replied, glancing towards the floor.

"Well, Blue has been quite impatient due to making a new recipe he wants us all to try. Come on!" Dream replied, heading towards the kitchen and dining room area of the house with Blue, Ink following close behind them.

Together the trio enjoyed making and trying out the new recipe, despite the messes and close calls of starting a fire.

Presently, they sat down together at a table talking, a small tray that was once completely filled with taco salad, now almost empty, in the middle.

The creator tried his best to listen and respond, but he appeared somewhat aloof. Lost. Distracted. He kept noticing himself start to space out, and then struggle to pull himself back into reality. Half the time, he would miss out on the majority of the conversation he was supposingly apart of.

"Did you two run into any new AUs today?" Blue asked, always being curious.

"No, none today." Dream replied. "Though I'm sure there has to be a new one sooner or later..."

"What about you Ink?" Blueberry asked, looking at the artist.

Both waited for reply as they looked at their friend who had space out again.

Unknowingly, Ink's eye lights were flashing between different shapes and colors, sometimes one of them being a pink heart.

"Um... Ink, you there?" Blue questioned, waving a hand in front of Ink's face, causing the creator to blink, his eye lights changing to a question and exclamation mark.

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