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Ink slowly opened his eyes to find himself with Error leaning against him, snoring. The sound seemed to get on the creator's nerves quiet quickly and the destroyer had all of his body weight on him. Ink tried pushing him off and shaking him awake to no prevail.

The creator rolled his eyes and instead, moved over a few inches, and stood up, letting the destroyer come awake due to his skull knocking the hard ground.

"Gah!" Came a sudden started shout from the destroyer as pain shot through him from the fall.

"What the Hell!" He yelled, quickly sitting himself back up.

Ink rolled his eyes and then felt a little bad.

That's when Error looked the creator in the eyes to see his eye lights small gray circles, not of fear, but hardily showing emotion.

"What's wrong with you?" Error asked.

Ink blinked, seeming now his normal self as his eye lights flashed back to their golden star and blue oval.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ink asked.

"You mean you don't remember glaring at me after moving or something, causing my skull to slam into the ground..?" Error asked, Ink shook his head in response. The destroyer sat there in silence a second and just blinked. He knew the other was forgetful, but this seemed different.

"Or seeming and looking completely careless? Emotionless? Empty?" The destroyer inquired, suspicious of something being off.

Ink seemed to think a moment and shook his head in disagreement again.

Error rolled his eyes.

"You sure?" He asked again.

"Yeah, positive." Ink replied. "Anything else weird that you noticed?"

"Your eyes weren't showing shapes or color, being plain whitish gray circles, but they didn't look afraid either." The destroyer replied.

"Ah!" Ink exclaimed, snapping one of his hand's fingers like he made a breakthrough. "I probably need to restock my emotions, so to speak..."

The creator looked down, noticing his his vials and vial holder were missing. He blinked and his eye lights flipped to question marks. He then looked up at Error, blinking again, causing his eye lights to turn back to their normal shapes and colors.

"Have you seen my vials?" The creator asked.

"No." The destroyer replied.

"Did you take or hide them on purpose?" Ink asked, suspicious that the destroyer moved them somewhere, his eye lights changing to red crosshairs for a split second.

"No," Error started. "What would I want with containers of paint?"

Ink seemed irritated and inhaled sharply before replying, clearly stressed.

"I don't know!" He replied quickly, glancing around the awfully empty room.

"And if I did take them, where would I even hide them." Error replied sarcastically, a smirk on his face as he shrugged to add effect.

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