Soul Beat

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". . . p l e a s e . . ."

". . . w a k e u p . . ."

Came a weak voice that choked on tears as it spoke, sniffling every now and then.

Everything was cold and dark. Hardily any sound could be heard.

The creator suddenly saw blurs of color as he opened up his eye sockets slowly. He blinked to focus his vision and was soon able to see a relieved Error that appeared to be in tears, a small smile coming to his face. The artist could now tell that the other was wearing his glasses and appeared to be holding him in his arms.

That's when the numbness started to wear off.

Ink felt a sudden sharp pain in his chest that felt like multiple knives being stabbed into it.

The pain caused him to jolt up suddenly, clutching his chest and the blue hoodie he was currently wearing. He then quickly sat up and wrapped his arms around the destroyer's neck, pulling him into a hug for comfort.

Error sat there, a little shocked and a little shaken himself. He then hugged the creator back as he listened to the other's breathing start to speed up.

What even happened?! I can't recall much... Thought the creator.

Sudden visions of the event that had occurred before he blacked out flashed across his mind, and the sound of the blade sounded in his head. The memory made him tense up and he hugged the other tighter.

He couldn't think straight. He was filled with mixed feelings and emotions he couldn't understand. It was too overwhelming and tears started to pour from the creator's eyes. He wasn't sure if he was terrified, upset, angered, grateful, overjoyed, relieved, or sickened. Nothing seemed to make since.

"H-hey... Calm down, it's alright..." The destroyer whispered, rubbing the other's back soothingly, hoping to calm the hyperventilating creator down.

Ink still couldn't understand how he felt. Everything was confusing and too complex to make since of, yet the imagine of the blade cutting into him was crystal clear.

Tears continued to pour from the artist's face as his eye lights were constantly changing shapes and colors due to his mixed emotions. Meanwhile, the destroyer continued to rub the other's back slowly, hoping to calm the other down sooner or later.

Error felt the other start to calm down more, the creator's breathing slowing and no longer hyperventilating, which calmed the destroyer's nerves as well.

I'm just glad he seems alright... Thought the destroyer as he felt himself smile a little. I'm just glad he's awake and in one piece...

Ink took in a large shaky breath, still attempting to collect his thoughts and calm his mind. By now his pain had subsided and his tears had slowed. He then slowly pulled away from the hug and sat himself on his knees in front of the destroyer, on the chilled floor. Ink wiped his face clearing his tears as a calm steady silence filled the room.

"Y-you alright?" Error asked, his voice a whisper.

"I... I think so." Ink replied back, his voice also a whisper. "It doesn't hurt anymore, physically. But..."

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