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It was late evening and the lights of the cells had already dimmed. The cries of screams that sounded of those of murder echoed through the otherwise silent halls, breaking any peace the place had.

Presently, Ink and Error sat close to each other, afraid to make a sound as the screaming came from not far from their cell, making it impossible to sleep.

The two where almost snuggled up together, their shoulders touching, the creator's arms wrapped around the destroyer's closest arm.

Both where hunkered down, almost silent, as the dimmed lights made it hard for them to see their own hands in front of their faces.

Error felt how quick his soul was beating and dared to hardily breath. The screams were awful and seemed to echo around his head. He could only imagine what was happening down the hallway.

Meanwhile, Ink wasn't in much of a better condition. He had no soul, yet he felt terrified! He dared not to move as the screams echoed around his head as well, making it worse for both him, and Error's captured arm. Every time there was silence, and suddenly the screaming returned, the creator's grip would go from loose and comforting, to tight and making Error feel like his bones were going to snap. Which, in return, didn't help ease the destroyer's mind.

The screaming seemed to never end and go on forever, until it finally faded out, not to be heard ever again.

The two remained silent a good few minutes, neither of them daring to move or make a sound. It was late and both were tired. All they've had to live off of, besides plain sleep, was a loaf of semi stale bread and a little water. Like usual, they split the bread that day, but neither was very interested in the water...

The silence felt crushing, and finally, one took a crack at speaking through it.

"Hey," Ink started quietly, his voice hardily a whisper, but becoming a little louder. "What do you think they were doing to them?"

"I don't know..." Error whispered back in response. "I just hope we can get out of here soon."

"Yeah..." Ink replied back.

Error slowly lifted up his free hand, making one of his blasters appear above it.

Ink noticed and panic showed on his face.

"What are you doing!?" Ink whispered, panic lining his voice.

"Shhh!" Error hushed.


"It's fine, keep quiet!" Error interrupted the artist's whisper with his own.

Error waited a second and then fired the blaster at the wall where the door usually appeared. The blaster smoke soon cleared up and the blaster itself disappeared. There wasn't a single scratch on the wall.

Ink and Error stared at the wall, silent. The destroyer slowly lowered his arm, and the creator slowly sat up, releasing the destroyer's arm.

"Maybe I wasn't close enough." The destroyer mused, slowly starting to stand up.

"Error, don't!" Ink whispered back.

Suddenly they both heard running coming from down the hallway, growing louder each second.

Ink quickly reached up, grabbing Error's arm, and dragged the destroyer back down.

"Ink! What the hell-"

"Shut up!" Ink harshly whispered back to the destroyer who now lay awkwardly on the floor.

The running soon stopped and they listened. The guards seemed to open a cell next to there's, closed it, and then left.

Ink sighed in relief and Error slowly sat up, leaning himself against the wall once more, rubbing his sore arm that Ink had grabbed, yanked downwards, and then let go of.

"What were you even thinking?" Ink whispered to the destroyer.

Error just shrugged in response.

"Even if it did break down the wall, do you really think we would be able to get past them all?" Ink asked.

Error glanced to the floor.

"No... Sorry?" The destroyer replied insincerely, unsure of the response the creator wanted.

"It's fine... They won't find out, hopefully."

With that, the artist laid against the wall, getting comfortable, still not wanting to sleep on the strangely cold floor. He seemed to find leaning against the wall comfier than laying on the floor. Meanwhile, Error did the same, able to sleep basically anywhere.

The artist then snuggle a bit into his large scarf and closed his eyes.

"Night, Error." He mumbled.

"...Good night..." The destroyer replied, sounding unsure of what he said was the correct response.

He could had easily ignored it, but he felt like he should answer, so he did.

The destroyer then went to sleep as well, as the soft humming of machinery continued.


Presently, the scientist was in his office, a mug of coffee to his side, half empty. He sat at his desk and began to type.

"Entry number 0&/);74€£|"

"I will start preparations for a side experiment for Test 0.1. Tomorrow, I'll attempt to experiment with the strange vials. Hopefully I'll be able to pry them away, or perhaps have someone 'borrow' them later tonight. I'm nearly positive no one in that hallway their cell is in will wake up very early tomorrow... Oops!"

"Meanwhile, I'll attempt to learn more about the other's magic. From what I've caught on video, he has blasters, and weird strings that he can shoot from his hands. Besides that, I only know he can travel between multiple universes just like the other. I'll have to study and test more theories."

"Besides that, our other problem with another 'patient' has been solved. They shouldn't scream again for a while... Or ever."

The tapping of fingers on a keyboard continued as the evening continued to roll forth. It had gotten to the point where the scientist didn't even know the time.

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