Tell Them

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About a week had passed. Presently, Blueberry and Dream were in their group's "club house", talking about one certain topic: Ink's recent strange behavior.

"Do you really think that's why he always leaves that same time every other day?" Blue asked, making sure he had heard his friend right.

Dream nodded in reply.

"It would make since: He's been more distracted lately, he always becomes flustered when the topic of his crush gets brought up even though we have no idea who it is, and him leaving at exactly the same time every other day no matter what we're doing here, unless it's a battle against my brother, just points towards it." The keeper of dreams explained.

"I guess... But it's still an assumption." Blueberry stated.

"Yet there's so much proof! It's almost frustrating trying to figure it out..." Dream replied. "Face it, clearly he's going on a date with this person every time he leaves. Too much points to it! I've even had conversations with him surrounding the topic and he's clearly hiding something."

"How do we know for sure though?"

Dream thought a minute. He didn't have a good answer. Then something came to mind.

"That's it! We can follow him next time he goes, but without him noticing." Dream suggested.

"That's not a bad idea!" Blue agreed.

"As long as this person he's meeting up has any positive feeling once Ink goes to them, I'll be able to use that to get us a portal to the location along with knowing Ink's magic. As long as I know it well enough, which I do, it can act as a tracking devise." Dream explained.

"You think it will work?" Blueberry asked.

Dream gave a confident nod.

"I'm positive it will!"


Today was the day for them to execute their plan. They went through their meet up like usual, hanging out, chatting, playing board games- like nothing was about to be put into motion.

Dream kept catching their target they had to follow glancing up at the clock. Just in the past week and a half he had started this facade of making sure he left at a certain time every other day. It was clear to the keeper of dreams that Ink attempted to make his glances towards the clock in what ever room they were in go unnoticed, yet Dream had too good of an eye to let it.

He's about to leave. Dream mentally noted. In 3, 2, 1...

Ink suddenly stood up from the table they were sitting at, playing a card game.

"Sorry guys, but I have to call it short, I forgot that I needed to do something. It's important." The creator told them, walking towards the front door.

"Already..?" Blueberry asked innocently, though he knew his and Dream's plan was about to go into motion. He had to keep up his act.

"Yeah, sorry..." Ink replied "See ya later!"

With that, Ink stepped outside the house and was gone.

Dream and Blueberry looked over at each other, making eye contact, and both smiled. They gave their friend five minutes, and then Dream stood up.

He walked over to the front door and opened it, seeing the large lawn and the trees and forest beyond it. He then took out his star staff. He twirled it around, thinking, focusing on his friend's magic. He then found it, and where the creator had teleported to, searching for nearby positivity by it, holding his staff still, eye sockets closed. In complete focus.

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