Pots and Pans

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Who knows how many hours it's been. In this place there didn't seem to be much of a concept of time, if time even existed, that is.

Ink slowly opened his eyes, unaware of where he was for a second, almost panicking until the scene became more familiar, and until he heard a somewhat glitchy snoring coming from his left.

That's right... I'm stuck in some crazy thing Sci had set up... And I'm stuck in it with Error. Ink thought as he lazily glanced around the room, wishing that Error would eventually stop snoring since he didn't feel like getting up and moving.

He continued to glance around, looking at the clean set up, the bookshelves, the chandlers, the strange shadow ghost demon-

Ink eyes suddenly widened. He swore he had just seen some shadow thing fly across the far edge of the room, and that the thing had red glowing eyes. He then heard a loud crash of what sounded like pots of pans hitting the floor in the other room that seemed to be to the opposite side of his current location.

It's fine Ink... There's no such things of shadow demon children. Right..? He tried to calm himself, but instead started slightly panicking.

Just... go and check it out! Yeah, nothing will be there, just maybe a few pots and pans on the floor. Ha, no biggie.

With that thought, Ink slowly got up and went to check out the scene of the crime.

Only a couple minutes later, Error awoke to the sound of screams which left him a little startled along with the crashing of metal objects. He soon lazily got up and went to check where the screaming came from after realizing Ink wasn't in the room.

Just great. What did he get himself into this time... Error thought as he walked into the kitchen only to find Ink sat on the floor, appearing as if he fell on accident. He was surrounded and covered in pots and pans. Luckily, Ink hadn't gotten completely covered. He only had one pot on his head, as if it were a helmet well all the other multiple pots and pans were surrounding him or in his lap.

Error attempted to hold in laughter.

"Pffft... Are you alright there, Ink?" He asked.

"Do I look 'alright' to you!" Ink shouted back.

"Jeez... It was only a question, but, may I ask, how?" Error asked, stifling another laugh.

The creator just folded his arms in annoyance.

"I'd rather not explain it." He replied, glaring at the destroyer.

A few minutes later, Ink had freed himself from all the pots and pans as Error just laughed at him the whole time he did so, mostly due to Ink always getting his scarf stuck and struggling to free himself from the weight of all the pots and pans.

Now though, Ink stood a good few inches away from the mess of fallen kitchenware.

"That was awful..." Ink mused.

"I'm still curious of how that happened..?" Error stated, glancing at the artist with a small smirk on his face.

Ink just rolled his eyes in response and turned away from the mess to get a better look at the mostly unexplored kitchen. It appeared to have the same color walls and floor along with all wooden shelves, cabinets, and wooden table like surfaces being made of dark oak wood. The kitchen was lit up by chandeliers and contained a medium sized sink, a oddly new looking stove, a black colored fridge, a microwave, and a toaster which also appeared strangely new just like all the other appliances in the room.

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