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Error cleverly, and quickly placed a foot on the back on one of Ink's knee bones, pushing on it quickly, causing it to buckle, causing the creator to lose his balance completely. Error originally had planned it so the creator would fall backwards into his arms, but instead, to both of their dismay, Ink ended up falling downwards and sideways, head diving into the river, making a big splash in its calm flowing water, scaring off multiple fish as he landed.

"INK!" Error exclaimed, looking down and over at where the artist landed.

Seconds later, Ink surfaced, being just tall enough to stand in the water with his head and face above it. He was coughing up water and still trying to understand what had happened.

Meanwhile, Error quickly finished making his way across the log to the other side, going down the river bank and bending over across the water, lending a hand to the creator. Ink moved closer to that side of the river bank and took the destroyer's hand, letting the other help him out of the water even though he could had still done it by himself.

"What were you thinking?!" Ink shouted at the destroyer.

"L-listen, I didn't plan for y-you to fall in! You were suppose to fall backwards into my arms- I... I'm sorry." Error explained, upset with himself for what he had caused.

Ink sighed quietly to himself. "It's alright... Really, it's fine. I'm just a bit wet..."

"I'm really sorry..." Error mumbled again.

"It's alright!" Ink stated cheerfully, smiling, as he stood there completely soaked. "Perhaps we could break a while or something, so I can dry off."

"Yeah, that's fine." Error replied.

A chilled breeze then blew its way through the forest, causing the artist to hug himself for warmth and shiver.

Even with all these layers, I still got soaked to the bone... Thought the creator.

The two then walked a bit away from the river's edge and took a seat.

Ink started to take off a few things including his vials, the hoodie wrapped around his waist, his scarf, and his soaked sneakers, just leaving his socks on his feet.

The cold breezes continued to blow, one every couple minutes, making the artist shiver. Meanwhile, Error felt fine temperature wise. Sure the weather had clearly cooled a little due to the breezes, but he wasn't soaked with water so the breeze felt kinda nice. He watched as the artist continued to shiver and he felt bad. Guilty even.

That was a stupid idea... So much for a fun nice sight seeing adventure. The destroyer told himself. Now he's freezing thanks to me and my stupid ideas. Wait- I have an idea.

"Hey Ink..." Error started.

"Huh? Y-yeah..?" The creator replied, looking over at the destroyer.

"You should probably get out of a few of your other wet layers since you're cold. I know it bugs you, but taking off your wet shirts might help you out... I... I don't want you getting sick or something if the weather gets colder than it is now since you're soaking wet, and since the trees don't let in much sun so you dry sooner."

"Wh-what?!" The creator exclaimed.

"I-if you feel better, y-you could always wear my hoodie until your stuff dries... It's my fault you fell into the river in the first place." Error mumbled in reply, just loud enough for the creator to hear.

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