Sea You On The Other Side

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"Woah really, they figured out that you care for me? And they say that I'm a crush..?" The destroyer asked, smiling as he did so as he held the creator in his arms.

They were in Outertale, and before they did anything, Ink had to get his problems off his chest.

"So, how much do you really love me then..?" Error teased with a smirk.

"I-it doesn't mean I'm crushing on you j-just because that's where they went with it, okay?" Ink replied.

"Okay, okay... Gotcha..." The destroyer replied. "I still wonder since you seem very needy for attention from me-"

"Don't forget that you're the same way with me." The creator replied back.

Error froze, though it was true. He did need the weekly doses of seeing the other and being close. The destroyer felt his face heat up as a light yellow blush dusted his face.

"Yeah... Your right..." He mumbled in reply.

"So," Started the creator, changing the subject. "Did you pick someplace for us to go, or are we staying here today?"

"No, I've got a place." Error replied. "But I'm going to need you to close your eye sockets when I take you there. It's a surprise."

"Alright then." Ink replied slowly.

The request to keep his eyes close was even odd to him, yet it intrigued his curiosity too much to question it.

The destroyer let go of the the creator, allowing the other to stand up. Error then stood up as well, walking behind the creator and covering his eye sockets for him.

"I thought you just needed me to-"

"Well, I don't trust you to keep them shut." Error replied.

"Fair enough." Ink replied.

He felt the other urge him forwards, them both walking through one of the destroyer's portals. The creator felt a salty breeze hit his face, and the crashing of waves of water hitting sand could be heard in the distance.

Error chuckled a little, already noticing Ink's excitement. He then slowly took his hands off of the other's eye sockets, allowing the other to see the beautiful beach and ocean in front of them. The sand was almost as white as snow, the sky a clear crisp blue, the water clear as crystal, small rocky edges to climb were near, and the surrounding jungle that appeared to circle the large beach was of lush greens. A soft breeze blew, hardily moving the sand, and just slightly rustling the leaves of palm trees.

"It's beautiful..." Ink mused as stars showed in both of his eye sockets.

"Just like you~" Error complimented the other, hugging the creator from behind, planting a soft kiss on the back of his head.

"Hey, you planned that..." The creator replied smirking.

"And what if I did?" The destroyer replied.

Ink just playfully rolled his eyes in reply.

"So, what do you say to a beach day?" Error asked.

"That I should've brought art supplies with me."

"You like drawing too much..." The destroyer mused.

"Well, besides that the only things to really do are build sand castles, skip rocks, watch the clouds-"

"Or swim." Error interrupted.

"Wh-what?" Ink stuttered out, a light rainbow blush coming to his face.

"Swimming is also an option."

"No way." The creator replied back.

"Why not? Can't handle the heat - or should I say my heat~?" Error teased and flirted.

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