Famous Words: I'm Fine

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The hours of night continued to past on smoothly and swiftly with no trouble. The lights of the cell by now started to hum louder and turned back up to their brightest.

Ink continued to sleep through it, too tired to even notice. The thing that woke him up though was the sound of someone groaning near him, as if they were in some kind of pain.

The creator opened his eyes and looked over at the destroyer, which was who was making the noise. The artist looked at the other for a couple seconds before rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looking at the other again. That was when he noticed the stressed pain the destroyer's face showed.

Something is wrong, he doesn't look very well... Thought Ink.

He slowly sat upright and slowly shook one of the destroyer's shoulders, hoping to wake him up, which he did.

Error slowly opened his eyes, looking exhausted even though he was the one who had gotten the most amount of sleep out of the two of them.

"...wh...What time is it..?" Mumbled the destroyer slowly in reply.

Ink quickly pressed the back side of one of his hands on Error's forehead. The destroyer stared blankly at the creator as he did so.

Ink slowly pulled back his hand.

He doesn't feel warm, but he looks sick... The artist noted.

"Is something wrong..?" Error asked slowly.

"Are you feeling alright?" Ink asked.

Error seemed to pause a moment before replying.

"I'm fine..." He trailer off, closing his eyes slowly.

"Error, be honest with me." The artist replied.

"I said, 'I'm fine.'" The destroyer mumbled back in response.

Ink didn't know what to do. What could he do? Even if Error was feeling under the weather he wouldn't admit it. Plus, it's not like he could get his hands on any sort of medicine for him.

What am I suppose to do... He doesn't seem normal, so something's gotta be wrong, right? The artist asked himself. What am I going to do? I hardly have anyway of telling if he's acting "normal" or not. I still hardily know him!

Ink continued to glance back at Error, noticing that the destroyer had fallen asleep. The creator sighed quietly to himself. He sat himself back against the wall, next to Error. The artist started to feel a nagging, tugging, feeling on his soul. He couldn't help but feel a slight anxiety and started to feel more worried the longer it was silent. He felt himself tense up a little and he looked away from the destroyer, aiming his gaze down towards the floor.

He still had the strange feeling yanking in his soul. He tried waiting it out, but that only worsened it. Ink slowly looked back at the destroyer and almost felt some kind of guilt. He had a hunch, which didn't help the way he felt.

Did some kind of poison get into the food..? That would make since! I never ate my half of the loaf of bread, while Error ate his... No, it's not that. Can it be? Ink thought as other such thoughts flew around his mind.

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