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It was the next day, and Error felt nervous. He wanted to propose to the artist today, but he wasn't sure how. He didn't know how to go around doing it, and he wanted it to seem casual and smooth, not a nervous anxious train wreck. He couldn't figure out how to bring up the topic or get to the point in a not forceful manner.

He currently sat on his hammock in the anti void as he continued to think about it. He could already feel his soul racing just by thinking about it all.

What if he says no, then what? He asked himself. There's still a chance of that happening...

He doesn't even know that I'm going to propose to him... He's completely unaware of it. Why did I want to surprise him with it?

The destroyer was slightly regretting his choices, but there was no turning back now. Sooner or later he would have to propose, and he would rather do it sooner than later.

He continued to anxiously sit there, holding the little fancy box in his hands, fidgeting with it. He was scared, he knew that anything could go wrong and that anything could occur... That was what made him scared. That factor alone worried him.

Error nervously glanced over at the clock near his hammock, watching the time. He only had few more minutes before he was to meet the other there. He debated maybe not showing up so he could avoid it, but there was more cons to that than pros. The destroyer realized he would only worry the other and he didn't need that.

The clock continued to tick, one minute slowly passing and moving onto the next.

Maybe I should leave now, it's only four minutes sooner than expected, and it might help. Error told himself. It'll give me more time to clear my thoughts and viewing the stars helps with my stress, so it's not a bad idea...

The destroyer nervously stood up and opened a portal. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and then stepped through, closing the portal behind himself. He then looked in front of himself, towards the log that faced the cliff and froze. Ink was already there.

That's... different. Error thought. He's never early. It's odd... If anything he runs late, or on time...

Oh well, I guess there's no turning back now.

Error started walking forwards, putting the ring box in one of his hoodie pockets. He came closer to the log and realized how the other hadn't yet noticed his presence.

"So, you're here early." The destroyer began, startling the creator.

Ink quickly shoved an object he was holding into one of his many pockets, he then turned to the face the other for a second before averting his eyes.

"Y-yeah... I-I didn't lose t-track of time for once." The creator stuttered in reply.

Error by now had taken his seat on the log next to the creator and looked over at the other suspiciously.

Jeez... He's acting even weirder than usual. He noted. Somethings up...

The destroyer took mental notes on all of the creator's unusual behavior: averting his eyes along with refusing eye contact, the sudden stuttering, the rainbow hue of blush that dusted his face just enough to be noticed, and lack of conversation.

"Ink... Is there something you're not telling me?" Error asked, looking directly at the other who appeared to be leaning somewhat backwards to further avoid eye contact.

"No..?" The creator replied.

"Was that a question or a statement..?" The destroyer replied.

"Th-there's nothing wrong- absolutely nothing!"

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