We're not friends

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Suddenly, Error heard footsteps that came and stopped at their cell's door.

"Ink?" Error started. "Ink, stop digging at the chip."

The creator didn't seem to hear him.


The artist suddenly snapped back into reality.

"Stop working at my chip and act like you're-"

"Not trying to pry it free?" Questioned the feline scientist as he stepped into the room.

Both the destroyer and creator froze, only daring to glance at the scientist. Suddenly the scientist pulled out a devise and hit it's button.

This time, Ink felt a shocking pain shoot from his upper neck, into his skull, and then through the rest of his bones.

By now, Error had turned around to see the creator fall a bit forward, forcing himself to stay up off the floor by using his arms to hold himself up as his eyes were closed.

The painful sensation made him feel numb. The creator could no longer feel his arms, they felt like jelly.

Four guards then quickly marched into the room grabbing Error with force. The destroyer attempted to fight back as he saw the creator suffering.

"LEt mE GO!" Error shouted, still trying to free himself from the grip of the guards.

They soon were able to force him out of the cell, The feline scientist following close behind and shutting the door. The then dragged the destroyer down the halls to Dr. WG's odd lab room.

Once at the doors, the destroyer was shoved inside, nearly falling on his face as he stumbled forwards, tripping over his own feet. The feline scientist followed in after, the lab doors shutting closed behind him.

Once again the feline scientist handed the head scientist the remote control that activated the chips. Error noticed this and decided he would have to behave.

Once the guards and the feline scientist left, Error and Dr. WG stood in the same room with no available escape. There was a thick tension in the silence until it was broke.

"Well!" Exclaimed the doctor, clapping his hands together. "At least you came prepared."

Error just growled under his breath, refusing to amuse the scientist.

Dr. WG came towards Error, getting to his eye level, kneeling.

"Hmm... So unlike your friend you have a soul."

"We're not friends." Error replied plainly.

"Is that so?" Questioned the scientist. "I beg to differ. Seeing how you risk yourself for him it seems to me that your more than acquaintances."

"We're enemies." Error said sternly. "I would at least think he would have told you that."

"Well, isn't that a shame..." The head scientist replied with a dramatic sigh.

The doctor stood up and glanced at the destroyer's constant glitches that seemed to float around him, seeming fascinated by it.

"How long have you had those glitches?" Dr. WG asked.

"As long as I can remember." Error answered, keeping the same straight face he's had since entering the room.

"Fascinating..." The head scientist mused. "Well we're done for now then."

The head scientist then went to his desk and hit a button. A second later four guards entered. Taking the destroyer back to his cell.

Ink watched as the door to the cell opened and Error was shoved inside. The destroyer glared at the guards a split second as they did so. The destroyer then seemed to go over to where he had left his shirt and hoodie and started to put them on as the doors to their cell closed.


"Entry number 9/!:84!/a>_#{£,"

Typed the head scientist as he began recording his notes on his computer system.

"Our recent new project seems to be coming along well, and, from what new information I've discovered, we may have our first test subject for a very special project."

"Our latest experiment, Test 0.1, has provided me with shocking information that may provide breakthroughs! Though the two skeletons seem awfully similar, one is able to survive without a soul, yet he can feel emotions. Perhaps I can use him for our test subject. The only downfall that would be highly possible, huge mood swings and changes in emotion and behavior, yet I believe he will work best. Besides, his 'enemy' could always help if need be. I'll have to start planning and run a few test before hand, and perhaps, by chance, I could study his vials... They seem to be the source of his emotion and learning more about them may help."

"Another thing that came to my attention is that our latest project had discovered the electric shockers implanted in their upper necks. That's a shame that they did, but I'll share my warning with them tomorrow."

"Besides that, recently our experiment to inject experiment 0.27 with determination to heal their dying soul, has failed. It caused a disease of sorts to attack his leg and the determination seems to keep him from sleeping even if we use more drastic measures. We've planned to amputate his infected leg tomorrow evening. It's going to be a long night."

The doctor paused before continuing to type recent information as he remained in a dark office, in front of his computer that illuminated the room.

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