Playing Doctor

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The cell had grown dark with the lights humming lightly, hardily audible. Ink slowly opened his eyes and looked around the hardily lit room.

What time is it..? Who am I kidding, I can't even tell anymore. I'm not even sure if it is night when the lights are all shut off, I've never seen a single window in this place so there's no way to check the sky to find out... Thought the creator. How long has it even been since I've seen the sky? Too long to really remember...

He felt a little better after getting some rest. He was about to sit up until he remembered that Error was holding him in his arms.

Ink let out a small yawn, still a little worn out. He then glanced up at the destroyer, noticing tears on the other's face.

Tears? Wait, it could be due to his fever. Ink concluded.

He decided he would see if the other was awake.

"Error..?" The creator whispered.

Error slowly opened his eyes. He still felt awful. He still felt light headed and his head still hurt, painfully hurt, like a knife stabbing into it. Sure a little rest helped, but it wasn't much aid.

"Yeah..?" The destroyer replied weakly in response.

"Ar-are you feeling any better?" Ink asked, freeing a hand and moving it to the others cheekbone, wiping away the destroyer's tears with his thumb. "You seem like you're in pain."

Ink froze as he felt Error relax at the touch of his hand, but then continued to wipe away the other's tears, feeling his soul flutter as he did so.

"It... still hurts..." Error replied quietly. "It hurts a lot..."

More tears slowly escaped the destroyer's eyes and were gently brushed away by the creator's thumb.

"I can wet my scarf again if that would help..?" Ink suggested.

"Y-Yeah... please." The destroyer whispered back, releasing the other from his grip.

Ink took back his hand from where it was placed on the other's face and backed up a bit before standing on his feet.

He grabbed his scarf from off the destroyer's forehead and walked it over to where he placed the two glasses of water earlier. He did the same thing he did earlier, wetting his scarf with The half filled cup which he had gotten water from earlier. He then took it out of the cup of water, a little surprised that the water was still cold, and went back over to Error.

"Could you lay down on your back instead of your side please?" Ink asked.

"I guess, Inky..." Error mumbled back in reply, reluctantly rolling over onto his back.

The creator felt his face heat up a little from the nickname and tried to ignore it, but it bothered him.

"C-could you not call me Inky..?" He asked shyly as he laid the wet end of the scarf across the destroyer's forehead.

He noticed Error appear to smirk at the question.

"Is there something wrong with it..?" Error asked, sounding as if he was innocent.

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