Soul Testing

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Dr. WG sat in one of his main lab rooms at his desk, filling out files and organizing folders. 

Suddenly, the door to his lab room was slammed opened by one of his assistant scientists. It was a young alligator women. She shouted the door in panic.

"Dr. WG, we have an emergency!"

"What's the trouble..?"

"In lab room 107, the disease they were studying, it got out!" She called back in between catching her breath, having had sprinted to the lab room she was now at.

"What do you mean-"

"The container holding it shattered. It was drop, sir."

Dr. WG face palmed and shook his head in shame.

"...It's mighty contagious sir. B-but, luckily we're close to a cure- just needs a few days- and once a victim gets it they can't necessarily spread it to another victim by basic physical contact, like holding hands, high fives, stuff like that. Just by coughs, sneezes - which is rare for it - and... well... mouth to mouth stuff- which is least likely!" She quickly explained.

The head scientist then held up his hand to keep her quiet. She stood there in her lab coat, waiting.

"I'm putting everyone on over time. We need the cure by tomorrow morning." He replied.

"T-tomorrow morning!? We can't... There's no way it can be perfected within that time. I know it's super dangerous and is harmful to the soul but-"

"I'm not loosing another scientist to this disease. Get at least a small sample completed for the scientists by that time." Dr. WG started. "Meanwhile, I'll take multiple precautions and give any patients in the reach of the illness quick check ups to make sure they'll healthy and won't die within the time it takes to completely finish the cure. Meanwhile, get our disease extermination team on the job, it mustn't make it to the food in the kitchens."

"Yes, sir!" She replied and hurried out of the room to do what she had been told.

This isn't looking good... Thought the head scientist as he sighed. One, I'm coming closer to discovery, leading me to deploying project warp... That'll be REAL fun... Second, this disease may kill hundreds...

He then opened a folder to one of his more interesting projects.

I need to keep working... I'll start with checking on his nearly earned soul. This disease could kill this important project...

With that thought, Dr. WG hit his buzzer near his desk and made his request.

A few minutes passed and his door was once again opened with four soldiers bringing Ink into the lab room.

It was a different room than what the creator was used to, which made him worry. He glanced around frequently, clearly on edge. He felt like his nerves were worse than normal, and like he had a knot tied in his "stomach".

He had to be forced further into the room due to his nerves. The soldiers then left the room and shut the door.

Ink stood there awkwardly in the silence as he eyed all of what appeared soul testing equipment. All of it was computerized and scattered about. Then there was the head scientist's desk in the very back, parallel to the door the artist had entered.

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