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The lights of the cell soon started to turn on more, going to their brightest.

Ink opened his eyes, having had just fallen asleep again a few minutes before the lights had turned on once more. He didn't want to move but knew he would have to sooner or later, so he moved himself off from across the destroyer and stood up. He started to wish he had his scarf, the room being oddly cold at the moment. The creator then glanced around and saw something where the door usually would appear.

He walked over to what was on the floor and discovered it was a small tray containing some kind of liquid in a bottle, a small empty medicine cup, and a syringe along with a note. The note read:

This medicine inside this bottle can cure fever, head ache, sore throat, stuffy nose, soul cracking, and can help build immunity to certain disease. One dose is contained in the bottle and can all be given to one person by drinking or by injection at once. Recommended to be drunken.

It can help with Error's cold. Thought the artist, picking up the tray quickly and going over to Error.

He knew it might not be the safest option, knowing the place they're in and the people that run it, but it was his only choice.

Ink soon knelt down near Error, putting the tray to the side, and shook the destroyer's shoulder lightly, Error still being asleep.

Error slowly opened his eyes as Ink placed the back of his hand on the destroyer's forehead.

He still feels hot, but it feels better than it was yesterday. Ink mentally noted.

He then removed his hand from the other's forehead.

"I-ink..? What is it?" Error asked, sleepily.

"Could you sit up?" Ink asked him.

Error nodded and slowly sat up right.

"Someone dropped off some sort of medicine to help with your fever. You think you'd be able to drink it, or are you not feeling up to it?" The artist asked. "It's not much, just a small bottle of it, and it's recommended to be drunken instead of our other option which is an injection."

"It'll just be easier if ya inject it..." Error replied lightheadedly, rolling up his sleeves on one of his arms.

"Y-you sure? The letter states otherwise-"

"I'm feelin kinda queasy, s-so an injection would actually stay in and do its job." Error interrupted, proving a point.

Ink nodded in reply and grabbed the syringe and the bottle of medicine. He carefully poured the medicine into the syringe. He then took the syringe in his hand, as if he was a doctor, and he jabbed the needle into the other's arm and seemed a little surprised how Error hardily budged. Though Ink hardily knew what he was doing, but he made it work. The creator slowly injected the medicine into the destroyer until all the medicine had been injected. Ink then removed the once again empty syringe from the other's arm.

"Done." He stated.

Error nodded in reply and rolled down his sleeves, once again covering up his arm.

"Hopefully it helps." Ink added.

"Yeah..." Replied the destroyer.

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