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The lights had been at their lowest level for a while now, being mostly off, hinting towards night.

The creator and destroyer haven't exchanged a single word since the events that happened only a few hours before, yet they both rested against the cell's back wall, their shoulders touching each other's, staying close and not wanting to move away.

Neither knew what to say to the other. No words could be thought of. Instead of communicating with each other or sleeping, they decided to avoid each other's eye contact instead, as if pretending the other wasn't there even though they knew the other was.

"E-Error..? I... I think I love you..." Echoed the voice of the creator in the destroyer's head.

He didn't know how to feel about the statement, or the kiss the other had placed on his head. It felt strange to him, the feeling was foreign. The whole event made him start to think he couldn't go back to his normal life of avoiding Ink, not talking to him, not being around him, fighting him. Error struggled to imagine that. He had grown fond of having the other around, and curious if the other felt the same, yet he didn't want to ask.

That brought another question to the destroyer:

What if he only feels that way due to having a soul now? What if something happened to his soul and he had to live being soulless again? Would he still care, or would I go completely unnoticed..?
He thought.

Error felt his soul ache at the questions he didn't have answers to.

He took a small glance over at the creator who was clearly tried. He watched as the other started to fall asleep, but quickly shook himself awake so he wouldn't.

Error stifled a laugh, it was amusing to him. He watched for a couple minutes and the creator did it again. This time, the destroyer couldn't help but laugh a little, breaking the silence.

Ink looked back at the destroyer, just moving his eyes. He puffed up his face in annoyance. This only backfired and made Error laugh more.

"What's so funny?" Ink asked.

"You." Error replied back.

Ink rolled his eyes at the other, and couldn't stop himself from breaking into a smile while he tried to force himself to seem annoyed, it just wasn't how he was truly feeling.

"What, can't keep a straight face?" The destroyer teased the creator, noticing the other go from looking annoyed to a cheerful smile.

"Why, got a problem with that?" Ink started. "Besides, you're one to talk, you've been smiling way more than usual, so clearly you're struggling as well."

"Well I never!" Error exclaimed before they both broke into laughter and continued to poke fun at each other.

Meanwhile, Dr. WG was watching and listening to them through his camera that was hidden in their cell.

Positive emotions... If any one is causing them, it's you. He concluded. I guess we'll have to change that, won't we?

He suddenly hit a buzzer on his desk. Seconds later the feline scientist cam into his office.

"You call?"

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