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Error shivered slightly as he turned away from the wall and the door to look at the room in front of them. It almost looked like a dinning room of sorts with a large dark oak table in the center with about eight matching chairs with red cushions that went with it. Around the room, besides that, was a good amount of five different doors leading different directions.

Ink was now looking at the room too, seeming to be debating where to go first.

"I'm really starting to dislike this place..." Error mumbled quietly.

"Y-Yeah," Ink stated nervously. "it's almost like it's some kind of test."

"A test for what?" The destroyer asked.

"Don't know." The creator replied with a small shrug.

Error crossed his arms and seemed to growl something under his breath. As he glanced around the room, noticing all the different directions they could head. He then turned to look back at the artist to noticed he was already gone.

"I-Ink...?" Error questioned.

He then heard a door in the large room open and he caught a glimpse of the end of the artist's scarf fluttering behind him as he entered a room. Error, uncrossing his arms, hurried over to the room Ink had just entered. Error then suddenly came to a stop in front of the doorway when he heard a small exclamation of pain. That's when Error noticed the creator, who was standing in the middle of the room, drop slowly to his knees, clutching one of his arms in pain. Error hurried over to him and knelt down next to him.

"Are you okay?" Error asked, sounding worried.

"Yeah..." Ink started. "It just stings a little-"

"Show me your arm."

"Uh... Okay..?" Ink replied, moving his hand off from where he was covering his arm.

Error noticed what looked like some kind of dart sticking out from the creator's arm.

"How deep is it?" Error asked plainly.

"Not very, I've been slowly getting it lose to pull it out. Luckily the needle's pretty small." The artist replied, wriggling the dart a bit more before pulling it out quickly, wincing a bit at the pain. "See, I'm fine. I'm actually surprised you were worried."

"WoRrIeD?!? N-no!" Error exclaimed, turning his gaze away from Ink's, blushing slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Well, I'm fine." Ink reassured standing up, rubbing his arm that had the dart in it a little with his opposite hand.

Error slowly stood up, still a little embarrassed for caring for his enemy. He had his arms crossed and still wouldn't meet the other's gaze.

"G-good... Who knows if I need you to get out of here or not." Error mumbled in reply, somewhat wishing he could vanish temporarily.

He wasn't sure why he felt like he cared, but he refused to think over the matter and he attempted to ignore it.

I don't care about him... I... He's not important, he can die for all I care! The destroyer told himself.

The two then decided to have a look around the room they were in. As they did so, searching a few chests and dressers in the room which also contained a bookshelf and two small comfy chairs, Error glanced back at Ink, still curious of how the dart got stuck in his arm.

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