Flames in Shadow

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At least a few hours by now had passed and the atmosphere was surprisingly calm. The artist slowly opened his eyes and was relieved to wake up to seeing color. The chemical from the dart had worn off. Ink blinked slowly a few times, clearing up his somewhat groggy vision. Other than that he didn't move. He shifted around a bit, realizing he was in some sort of chair, trying to get comfy, when he noticed he was in some kind of embrace. Unsure of who's, the artist looked to his side to see the arm
of the chair that he was closest to, and then turned his vision towards his other side to realize he had fallen asleep while leaning against his enemy!

Ink took a quick double take of the situation and then froze. He felt his face heat up and he attempted to shift farthing away, noticing how close they were to each other, but this proved to no avail. It only caused the destroyer to tighten his grip a little. By now, Ink had positioned himself in a sideways position, turned towards Error. Suddenly, Ink noticed Error waking up and began to panic.

Error opened his eyes and turned his head and gaze towards Ink who was now sat up right. Both made eye contact and froze, holding their breath as both felt their face's heat up from the situation. They continued to stare for a minute until panic slammed into the destroyer like a truck.

"AAAaaaaAAAHHHhhhhHhh!" Came a glitched scream as Error literally flung himself away from the creator, falling over the arm of the chair that was on his side, landing with a large thud on the floor.

Ink sat there for a moment and blinked, confused, before he went to look over the arm of the chair that Error fell over.

"Are you alright..?" Ink asked, a somewhat pained expression appearing on his face as he saw how badly the other was glitching out.

A second later, Error quickly sat up straight, clearly angered and upset.

"WhEN THe HeLl DId ThAt HaPpEn!?!" Error yelled, still glitching slightly.

"I should be asking you that, you know, since I couldn't really see what was happening and all, and since I kinda can't recall anything." Ink replied, not returning the other's gaze that, if looks could kill, he would had dusted the creator.

Error paused a moment, the previous events returning to him. He once again felt his face heat up, but worse than the last time, and yellow blush completely covered his face. He started internally screaming as he yanked up his hood to better cover his face as he stared down at the floor. He remember he was the reason they were both in the chair at once...

WHY THE HELL DID I THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA!!! Damn, what's wrong with me?!Error began to question his life choices.

"You okay there, buddy?" Ink asked, slightly confused as he watched the struggling destroyer.

"N-n-nO." Came a glitchy reply.

"Okay then..." Ink replied awkwardly, glancing around the room nervously.

Error continued to sit there, his arms crossed as he refused to make eye contact or do anything else. He continued to sit there, struggling through a mental battle of sorts.

Ink took another glance at the destroyer and sighed, getting off of the chair, and kneeling down a foot away from Error.

"So..." Inks started. "You ever going to come out from under there."

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