First Night

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The artist wept as he held the destroyer in his arms, watching him, hoping he would become conscious again soon. It's been a few hours, and they've once again been forced and locked into the plain white room.

"Wh-Why couldn't I be stronger..." Ink whispered, choking on tears.

Tears that stung him inside, tears of regret, sorrow, misery, hatred, and confusion.

He looked down at the destroyer who he continued to hold like a young child in his arms. Error looked peaceful, almost like he was sleeping, and his glitching seemed very little.

Ink hugged him tight. The destroyer's soul beat was the only sound besides the creator's sobs that filled the empty room.

At least it's better than silence... Right? The creator had thought at first.

It was either that, or deafening quiet.

Ink continued to sob. He had basically ended up telling those sickening scientists everything, just to keep them from frying Error and himself alive. Even when Error had managed to get to his feet half way through the questioning process, the guard tasered him again, just so they could threatened the artist.

Ink wasn't sure what their plans were, but based on the information he had given due to being forced to, their intentions weren't good.

Fear filled the creator's eyes as he heard the marching of feet echo down the corridor. He froze, staying silent, and held his breath. Once they passed he breathed again and continued to remain silent as tears still continued to roll down his face. He wasn't sure how much longer he could deal with all of this alone. Error might have been in his arms, but he was hardily breathing. Every time his breath stuttered, Ink nearly felt himself mentally explode at just the thought of the destroyer dying in his arms. He wished he could draw but he had no supplies with him, it would ease his mind if only by a little.

Ink's grip on the destroyer tightened and he hugged him closer.

The lights of their cell suddenly dimmed, just providing a faint glow, as if it was moon light. It made things seem a little more at ease.

Then, Ink heard as Error's breathing stopped completely. The creator froze.

Ink listened closely as the destroyer's soul beat seemed to slow, almost stopping, when suddenly it quickly sped up again and the destroyer once again breathed in, coughing. The creator sighed in relief. If he was coughing, he was breathing.

The coughing from the other continued until a faint and dry whisper came from the horribly injured skeleton.

"I-Ink?" Error choked out.

Ink looked down and smiled brightly hugging the other more. Tears of joy, and no longer fear, now rolled down the artist's face.

"Error!" Ink exclaimed. "Th-Thank god you're alright."

Error slowly opened his eyes, realizing the position he was in. As he came to consciousness their current position seemed to hit him more, and a light blush of yellow spread across his face.

He saw how happy the creator was. How long has he been out? What had even happened?

"I-Ink? Wh-What happened?" Error slowly asked, feeling his skull throbbing a bit with pain.

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