Day Dreaming

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The destroyer sat on his hammock in the anti void, smiling. He kept recalling the day before, when him and the creator had their first official date. Though at first he wasn't sure of what would change, change was noticeable, yet it was good change. Both were affectionate towards the other, more open, and he couldn't recall if he's ever talked to the other for as long before. Some of it was nonsense, but the rest of it shone a new light on both of them to the other; they talked about what they could remember of their pasts before taking on the roles of creator and destroyer of the Multiverse. It opened up the others' eyes more, it enlightened both of them.

One major thing both discovered they had in common was both recalling waking up to nothing but an endless space of white.

Error had to admit, the other's past still intrigued him. It was so odd, so new, so different. Yet some parts oddly familiar... He never could image that someone from such a dark hopeless past could set out to protect and save other's from the same fate instead of hating on worlds that didn't suffer the same way. That's where they varied. The destroyer's past made him turn against other worlds, yet he couldn't remember why.

He presently continued to lay there, looking up above at the string, puppet, and soul covered ceiling, lost in his mind. He was thinking of the creator, their conversations, and the future.

He wanted more of the artist, more time with him, to see him more often... He never felt the same wonderful feelings the other made him feel when alone. He could have sworn he found that person people call a soulmate. Something always felt missing to the destroyer without the other near.

Damn... I really have been in love this whole time without realizing it. Thought the destroyer as he laid there. I kinda wish I knew that sooner.

He sighed to himself and frowned a little.

Error then glanced over towards the top of his hammock when a certain one of his doll like puppets caught his attention.

He used his strings to pull it down towards himself and hugged it tight and close to himself, blushing lightly. It was one of Ink which he had made way before any of the past events and experiments they were involved in even occurred. He had made it many, many years ago with hopes of one day being able to hang it up with the others, showing his victory against the creator, but it never happened, and likely won't ever.

Now in days though, he would often just hug and cuddle it whenever he was feeling lonely and greatly torn emotionally and in his mind.

At the moment, that was the case. He never once imagined he could miss a person this much even though he had seen them only a day before.

Error continued to hold onto the doll. Sure it wasn't the same as cuddling the actual creator, but it at least helped a little. He glanced down at it, wishing he currently had the real artist in his arms. He imagined the other being there, the other's smile, the other's warmth, and the other's laughter that was like music to the destroyer's ears. He tightened his grip on the doll and shut his eyes momentarily, dismissing the day dream.

He turned his gaze back up to the space above him. Another image came to his mind. Him and the creator were in some other universe, yet he wasn't sure which, as a sunset painted the sky it's brilliant rays. He was facing the creator, and then they pulled each other in for a loving kiss.

The destroyer felt his face heat up at the thought of that someday coming true. He wanted it, but he wasn't sure if the creator would allow it. He began to wonder what it would feel like, both emotionally and physically. He knew that skeletons didn't have lips, but he still wanted to try sooner or later. When though was the question.

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