Executing Plans

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"Nooooo! How could you win again?!" Exclaimed the creator in frustration.

"I told you this video game was my specialty." The destroyer replied, smirking.

Ink growled to himself as he once again came in second in the game Error, Dream, Blueberry, and himself were playing.

"That's like the fifth time in a row!" Ink exclaimed. "I guess I'll just have to take one of your arms hostage so you can't play."

The creator quickly set down his remote control he was holding and tackled hugged the The destroyer's closest arm. 

"What? No!" The destroyer replied, but not bothering to move his arm, letting the creator grab onto and hug it. "That's not fair."

"You know what's not fair? Your winning streak!" Ink replied back, smiling, as he hugged the destroyer's arm.

Meanwhile, Blueberry and Dream watched the creator and destroyer's shenanigans, smiling and trying not to laugh.

"So, how are you going to play, huh?" The destroyer asked with a smile.

"I don't need to, as long as you don't win again, I win." The creator replied.

Both laughed a little, enjoying each other's company.

"It's strange how Error's voice never glitches when it's just them talking, isn't it..?" Dream whispered to Blueberry.

"Yeah, it is. You think there's a certain reason for that?" Blue asked.

"There's one way to find out." Dream replied.

"So, Error, how come your voice never glitches when it's just you and Ink talking or hanging out?" Dream asked, looking over at the other two skeletons.

The destroyer looked up from the creator latched onto his arm, over to the opposite side of the couch they all sat on, looking over at Dream.

"WhAt Do yOU mEaN?" Error asked, slightly confused.

"You mean you haven't noticed?" The keeper of dreams replied, curious.

"No?" The destroyer questioned.

"Yeah... I guess I haven't noticed it much either, but Dream is right, it never glitches as much." Ink stated. "Your voice is actually quite soothing and handsome..."

The destroyer felt a little flustered at the reply. He never noticed any difference. A light yellow blush faded onto his face and he was unsure how to reply. He felt embarrassed and stupid for not noticing such a change sooner, in fact, the more he thought about it, the more he noticed it. Then there was the compliment that the creator had told him, though the destroyer didn't really see it himself.

"It really does sound nice." Blueberry stated.

"Perhaps it's the amount of trust and safety you feel with him." Dream suggested.

"Wh-What?" The destroyer replied in question.

"Why else would the glitching suddenly go down? The only thing that has changed is your and Ink's relationship. You're so close now." Dream explained. "If you feel safe, you tend to calm down and feel at ease, perhaps that is what is bringing down your glitching."

"...maybe..." The destroyer mumbled, looking down towards his feet.

A few seconds passed and the destroyer looked back over at the creator that still hugged his arm, looking up at him, almost appearing concerned or curious at the other's behavior.

They made eye contact, causing both of them to lovingly smile at the other. Meanwhile, Dream and Blueberry exchanged a few ideas, preparing for something they've planned the whole time. The two nodded when the creator and the destroyer weren't looking. Then they began their plan.

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