Sweater Weather

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A week or so had passed since the chaotic hangout, and neither the creator nor destroyer had spoken of it since then. Neither really wanted to attempt such a thing again, not yet.

Presently, the destroyer nervously sat on his hammock made of blue string in the anti void, holding a box he had wrapped in red and gold wrapping paper he had stolen from Underfell. It wasn't much, the wrapping paper, but it did it's job of covering the plain white box - that he had also "borrowed" - to make the gift more present like.

"This is going to be awkward..." Error mumbled to himself as he looked down at the wrapped up gift he held in his hands. "It's not even his birthday... What am I suppose to say?"

The thought of the other alone just made him lightly blush.

The nervous feeling, like butterflies swarming within him, was all he felt. Along with that, were the negative thoughts, the worries, the possible feared endings of what he wished to do.

It's just a little gift, giving it to him shouldn't be that hard, right? The destroyer asked himself. What if he doesn't like it? Or gets upset?

"Why is this so nerve racking?!" He thought out loud. "It's so damn annoying."

Error glanced over at a clock he had tied up with some string nearby so it was propped up next to the hammock at eye level.

It was about time for him to meet the other at Outertale like they usually did every other day.

Why am I so... scared..? Error asked himself.

He couldn't understand why. None of it made since.

He finally decided to bite the bullet and stand up, opening a portal to the au as he did so. With the present in hand, he then forced himself to step through, closing the portal behind himself.

The destroyer gave out a sigh, trying to calm his nerves as he felt his soul beating within his chest. Before, he's been able to ignore the quickly paced beating. Today though, he found himself struggling to do so.

He slowly made his way towards the fallen log him and the creator always sat on as they looked out across this world and it's starry sky. He stopped walking only a few paces before the log and looked out at the galaxy that lay in the sky in front of him. He slowly then turned his gaze to the wrapped gift he held in his hands.

The destroyer continued to stare down at it, getting lost in his own thoughts, spacing out. He continued to ponder how the other would react, perhaps even how he himself could react. The options and ideas were endless.

"What you got there?" He heard a voice suddenly ask.

Error jumped, startled. He turned his back to the creator who had just asked the question.

"N-nothing!" The destroyer blurted out.

He could once again feel his soul pounding from within his chest.

Damnit Error, don't be stupid! He lectured himself.

He blushed with embarrassment.

"Hmm... Nothing you say..?" Ink began. "If it wasn't important I don't think you would be hiding it."

Error couldn't think straight. He had no reply, the creator was completely correct with the observation.

The destroyer continued to blush, it only becoming worse and more obvious. His nerves too, showed no mercy.

"Come on... What is it?" The creator asked again.

Error timidly glanced over his shoulder at the artist who stood behind him. His gaze then quickly returned to the box.

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