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Another normal day had passed and gone by leading to another, so, like usual, the creator and destroyer met up in Outertale, but this time sooner than usual.

Like normal, Error had arrived before the creator, and so he once again sat on the log and waited, alone, staring up at the the stars. He was swimming in his thoughts.

Why does he want to drag me somewhere different so badly? And why do I want to try what we attempted last time again?! There's something wrong with my head, maybe the anti void is finally getting to me... Thought the destroyer. Maybe it was that look in his eyes... It just seemed so, adorable! I can't get it out of my mind...

The destroyer felt himself blush a little at recalling the moment, it all continuously playing in his mind.

Why won't it just leave my head! Why won't he just leave my head?! It's clearly not meant to be. Ugh! Stupid anti void, it has to be messing with my head-

"So, Glitchy, ready to go?" Were the words of creator which broke the destroyer out of his thoughts.

Error took a second to realize the creator sitting next to him. Once doing so, he jumped back a little in surprise, causing him to lose his balance, and fall backwards over the other side of the log.

He heard Ink laughing at the sight. Error grumbled something under his breath as he laid with his back on the ground, arms cross in annoyance, as his legs still hung over the log and pointed up into the air.

"Hey Error, you alright?" Ink asked, looking down at him. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"Whatever... It's fine..." Error replied.

The creator stood up, standing on the opposite side of the log where the destroyer laid. He then offered Error a hand up, which the destroyer was hesitant to grab, but soon did, allowing the creator to help him to his feet.

"Now, you ready to head out?" Ink asked, smiling.

"Sure, I guess." Error replied, smiling a little as well.

"Alright, let's go then!" The creator replied in excitement.

Ink let go of the destroyer's hand and took out his large paint brush, using it to open up a portal to where he had planned for them to go. He then put his giant paint brush back where he usually kept it on his back and once again grabbed one of the destroyer's hands with one of his own. He then led Error through the portal, if the destroyer wanted to go or not.

Once through the portal, they entered a lush green forest that had nice sunny weather, a full canopy, the sound of birds, and many blooming flowers. Sunlight leaked through the canopy, lightening the forest, giving it an enchanted forest feeling of sorts, adding to its splendorous appearance.

The portal then disappeared behind them.

"So, what do you think?" Ink asked, letting go of the destroyer's hand and turning around to face him.

Error froze, he wasn't sure what to say, or what to do. He was awestruck. He appeared to want to say something, but he was lost for words, taken away by the sights of the beautiful forest they had entered. He had never seen such a sight before, usually destroying worlds that never had reached the surface, or he was too busy destroying to care. Now though, he was taking it in for the first time.

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