A Game of Chase

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"Er-Error! Wait!" Ink exclaimed, quickly gathering his thoughts and composure, no longer just staring at the events and instead taking action, running after the other who had gotten a fair head start.

The destroyer continued forwards, keeping a good pace, jumping over fallen branches and avoiding tall weeds and bushes. He kept going, only taking small glances behind himself to check on the creator who was slowly catching up. Just as he had thought and planned, Ink had chased after him.

They continued running through the forest, the creator trying to catch up due to being curious of the other's actions.

What was that even about?! Why did he do that? Thought the creator as he ran, stumbling and tripping as he ran, but keeping his balance.

Through the forest they continued, Ink still quite far from the other. They then both noticed the forest starting to thin out and soon came to a decently sized clearing filled with short lush green grass and beautiful flowers that didn't go above their ankles. Once at the beginning of the clearing Error stopped to view it, causing the other to run into him due to the creator being unaware of the other stopping. Both suddenly fell due to this and tumbled down the slope of the clearing together, landing in a more central part of it, the destroyer being on top of the creator as the hoodie the creator wore was spread out wide, revealing his tattooed rib cage as his arms were wide to his sides, over his head.

The destroyer pushed himself somewhat off of the creator, about to get up and off him completely until realizing their current position. The creator, having had closed his eyes as they tumbled, now presently opened them, smiling. He seemed a little surprised by the position they were in and a light rainbow blush dusted his face. Both of them froze, neither sure what to do.

Error felt his face heat up, mostly from embarrassment but also due to the thoughts that quickly crossed his mind as he looked down at the other. He felt his soul beat get faster at a thought of them passionately kissing coming to his mind. He wasn't sure what to do and couldn't seem to dismiss the thought and daydream as the other innocently laid there, also unsure of what to do. Error felt his face heat up more, turning into a noticeable shade of yellow.

A second later the destroyer made a decision. He quickly laid down on the other, resting his head on the other's rib cage, hands and arms resting on the ground near the other's sides.

"E-Error?! What are you doing?" The creator asked, a rainbow hue becoming more visible on his face.

"I... J-just cuddling..." The destroyer mumbled in reply, embarrassed and unsure what else to do.

"I... I guess I missed being this close to you... I-I know it sounds weird, b-but I... I miss when we were cuddled together in that awful cell. It made me feel something. Something I never had before, and it still does, and it's nice..." The destroyer roughly tried to explain.

Your such a damn idiot! He told himself. Why did you have to become so soft!

Ink felt as if his soul beat got faster though he knew that was impossible. It seemed to echo around his head, but he didn't mind it, and he didn't believe it was real either.

"D-Do you hear that..?" Error asked.

"Hear what?" Ink replied, his voice a whisper.

"It sounds like, beating?" The destroyer replied.

Error slightly propped himself up and looked down into the other's rib cage, seeing what appeared a faint glow of transparent color that seemed to slowly change from one color to another. It seemed to alter through every color of the rainbow, and it appeared the shape of a upside down heart.

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