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Ink couldn't recall where he just was. He only knew now, at this moment, that he was somewhere unfamiliar and his eyes were closed. He quickly opened them to find himself strapped down to yet another lab table.

He looked up and froze sat the sight, his eyes widened. Above him was a circular wood saw like blade hanging above him.

He heard voices that sounded as if they were counting down, but he couldn't understand them. He felt suddenly unnerved and as soon as he knew it, the blade was on and was cutting into his ribcage as the bones gave sickening cracks. The pain was unbearable and he watched the sparks fly from the contact of bone and metal.

The artist suddenly woke up, letting out scream of terror.

Realizing he was still in their cell, and realizing he had just screamed bloody murder, he covered his mouth with his hands. Tears came to his eyes that were widened and terrified.

He tried to muffle the sounds of his fearful sobs, but to no avail.

His tears started to roll down his face as his breathing sped up.

He couldn't seem to fight back the expanding fear that made his chest feel heavy and compressed, as if a hundred pound weight was sitting on top of it.

Due to the scream, Error had woken up startled. He turned to look at the creator, and that was when his own worry set in.

The destroyer scooted over towards the creator, being about a foot away, to consult and calm him.

"Are you alright?" Error asked, slowly pulling the other into a small hug.

Ink gave a sad little nod in reply and said nothing.

Error felt the other trembling with fear and slowly tightened the hug he pulled the other into.

Neither of them knew what time it was, but their cell was still darkened.

The destroyer remained silent while the creator tried to stop his tears, closing his eyes and trying to fight back his ever growing fear.

That's when Error noticed the other's breathing speed up once more.

"Ink, please, slow down your breathing and try to calm down..." He mumbled.

The creator continued to tremble with fear.

Why... Why can't I stop crying and shaking!? I should be fine. It's almost like I'm being crushed... I... I'm scared. No. Terrified! What if they do it again?! Who knows, they might. I wouldn't doubt it! I-

Ink suddenly felt his nerves calm and his trembling stopped as tears continued to smoothly trickle down his cheek bones. It was as if he had just realized the other was holding him tight, making him feel safe, comforting him.

Ink took in a large shaky breath, opening his eyes and uncovering his mouth.

It this what it's like to have a soul..? He asked himself. Before, with the vials I could choose what feelings and emotions to act on, but now... Now I can't. They just, happen.

"You gonna be alright?" He heard the destroyer whisper in question. "What even happened..?"

"A n-nightmare..." Ink whimpered weakly in response.

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