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Presently, Error took a few steps into the room. The room almost seemed like an attic with its small amount of light, multiple sheets thrown over its furniture, and it's cobwebby and dusty condition, along with its multiple cracked floorboards.

Ink continued to explore the room, looking at the furniture hidden under the sheets, if he could get the sheets to move due to most being weighed down and nailed to the floor. He also seemed to look at the multiple paintings hanging on the walls. Error just followed the artist around with his eyes and watched the other's excitement, wishing it would fade. Error then noticed a door hidden more in a corner of the oddly shaped room and wandered towards it, the door being far to the opposite side of his present location.

He turned the doorknob and pushed the door open as it's rusty hinges let out an creaking screech. This caught Ink's attention and he made his way over to Error as he stepped through the doorway into another long and eerie hallway.

"Greeeeaaaaat!" Error sarcastically exclaimed as he looked down the long hallway.

Suddenly a large crash of lighting sounded, followed by the pounding of rain. It must have been raining cats and dogs according to sound of the amount of water hitting the roof. Both tensed at the crash of lighting that was followed by a long deep roll of thunder. They both slowly entered the hallway and started to walk down it, not daring to go ahead of each other, nor stick too far behind. More flashes of lightning and crashes of thunder continued to occur as they slowly walked down the hallway. Both continued to tense up at each one of the loud crashes and bangs, Error though, was taking it better than Ink was.

The ceiling above them slowly started to drip rainwater from a few cracks that where in it. The thunder and lighting continued. Every now and then, lighting would crash and a minutes silence would follow until a startling bang of thunder would shatter the silence, setting both a bit more on edge. By now, Ink seemed to be trying to hide in his scarf more and more, which seemed to be a bit bigger than normal, as he wished for the storm outside to stop as he nervously would glance around and clutch his own hand with his other. Meanwhile, Error seemed to have adapted to the weather and wasn't startled as much by the large bangs and crashes.

The storm now though, had appeared to have calmed down a little and all that could be heard was the thudding rain. Ink though, seemed nervous, and the hallway, seemed never ending. Ink tightened his grip as he nervously clutched his hands together. Error just continued down the hallway with his hands shoved in his pockets, not seeming to care much for the weather anymore.

The artist couldn't remember the last time when a storm had him so on edge. It was nerve racking.

Your fine Ink, get a hold of yourself! It's all outside and it can't touch you-

He suddenly felt a raindrop from outside hit the top of his head, causing a chill to go down his spin.

Well... mostly. Your going to be all right-

A unexpected loud crash of thunder then rang out, slightly terrifying the artist. He suddenly "hugged" himself tightly and closed his eyes as he continued to walk forwards.

I can't take this much longer!!! How long even is this hallway, it's insane!

He quickly opened his eyes and took a quick glance at Error, who appeared perfectly fine. He then quickly averted his eyes towards the ground as lighting struck the ground outside.

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