How To Confess To A Multiverse

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A couple days passed, and the two once again sat on the log that faced out towards the stars of the cliff ledge. Talking.

"Confess to the Multiverse..?" Error mused. "Heh, you make it sound like it's a crime..."

"B-but how do you think they'll all react?! They'll see it as betrayal, or what if-"

"Ink, calm down..." The destroyer interrupted, hugging the other closer. "It's nothing to stress over... If they can't respect you for who you are they honestly don't deserve you protecting them. Despite the fact that I was one of the main reasons they needed protection in the first place..."

The creator took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He snuggled closer to the destroyer.

"Y-yeah, you're right..." Ink replied. "We need to tell them though. If everyone finds out by their own, it will be worse."

"How though? It's not like I can go around and be like 'hey guys, I'm dating your creator! Bye!'" Error replied.

The other giggled at his example and acting, also realizing the point he had made.

"Yeah... That wouldn't end well." The creator stated. "I'm not sure how we would tell everyone though. If there was a way to tell everyone at once, that would work, but there really isn't a way to."

"If there weren't as many different universes, I guess I could go around telling each one in person, but there's thousands of them. It would take forever, even if I just told the Sanses." Ink continued.

"Not my fault there's so many..." Error mused, trailing off.

"Perhaps we could get a second opinion..?" Ink suggested. "We could always ask Blueberry and Dream."

"That wouldn't be a bad idea." The destroyer agreed.

The two continued to try to plan among themselves how they would spread the word, brainstorming. Meanwhile, just right behind them, a colorfully dressed skeleton with sun glasses that read "yolo" slowly, and quietly made his appearance before bursting out suddenly:

"What's up my radical broskis!" He suddenly shouted.

This startled both the creator and destroyer, making them quickly move a couple feet apart form each other as the destroyer launched a blaster at the skeleton behind them in the same movement.

The colorfully dressed skeleton dodged the attack just barely.

"Woah, what the heck bro? That's unrad!"

"WhY tHe ᶠᵘⁿᵏ ArE yOu hEre?!" Error shouted.

The colorfully dressed skeleton held up his hands in front of himself, as if hinting to the other that he needed to calm down, while his glasses changed to read "chill" for a moment before changing back to what they normally read.

The destroyer continued to to watch the colorful skeleton's actions closely, not wishing to be surprised again by the parasite. Meanwhile, the creator too did not seem pleased at the parasite's appearance.

"I could ask you the same thing dawg." The colorfully dressed skeleton replied.

"Just answer the question Fresh." Ink stated plainly, not really being in the mood to deal with him.

"Jus' being ya friendly neighbrohood skele brah!" The colorfully dressed skeleton, Fresh, replied.

"CaN't yOu gO AnD dO tHaT sOmEwHEre ElSe?" Error asked, really wanting the parasite to leave.

Fresh only shrugged in reply.

"I think I'll stick around my fella brosephs here for a while." He replied. "Besides, I've got one thing to ask ya..."

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