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Darkness was all around the hallways and each individual room, the hallways only illuminated by an eerie green glow by backup generator lights. It's been a long while now since the incidents that led to this, incidents implying more than one.

One figure currently walked down one of the darkened hallways, smirking in a way that showed his teeth and that he was up to something. He adjusted his glasses that rested on his face, and he held a piece of paper in the other hand. His long white lab coat was just visible in the green glow along with his feline like shape and his fur the color of gray.

He had been planning - plotting, for a while now. He had a strategy like no other to achieve what he wants...

This was none other than Dr. Catrone, one of the smartest and most loved scientists in the void lab, coming second just before the head scientist himself, Dr. WG. This made him even more admired, giving him power... He knew this would aid him in making his hopes and dreams come true.

He slowly unfolded a crumpled piece of paper he held in his hand, and scanned what it read with his green feline eyes.

All is slowly falling into place... He thought to himself as he read the paper.

On it was his plan, his strategy, his findings, and his goal.

Once I get Dr. WG out of the way, the path will be clear. I must start further building people's trust with me, I must give them a reason to turn against the head scientist, if by rumors or rewards...

Upon doing so, I can get rid of the scientist since he proves a small pest. Then I can begin my plan, I can make my own extraordinary beings, and no one could stop me or disapprove. Gaster may had been trying to help creatures and save souls, but my plan proves much greater. Just because we lost our greatest test subjects doesn't mean the task is done...

He chuckled quietly to himself.

It will be carried out soon enough.

Dr. Catrone lifted his eyes from off of the paper and made his way over to a door on the right side of the hallway. He opened it and stepped inside, turning on the light so he could see, his light being one of few that still worked. It was his own little lab, once a small patient check up room. The head scientist had generously given it to him.

The whole room was neatly organized, papers in their folders, computer on the desk with a chair nearby it, jugs, vials, and test tubes in their place, and finally two containers, each containing a special bit of special creatures... These Dr. Catrone would use as DNA samples, this he needed for his schema once the head scientist was gone.

Each sample in the two jars was of a bone, having been cut out of its old owner many months back. One was white, and the other was black.

These were labeled sample 0.1 and 0.2.

Along those, the room contained a few small mechanical parts nearby the jars that the scientist also needed for his schema.

Soon the time would come, he knew, and his plan would be set into motion.

His plan, presently, had no one else who knew of it. He couldn't have them find out.

Dr. Catrone went over to his DNA samples. His eyes seemed to glimmer as he looked into the little jars, and his smirk widened.

"You will do nicely~" He cooed, despite the fact the DNA samples could not hear.

Once the time is right, I will start working with you, I will make you into two beautiful creatures! Like children of my own you will be. Your powers will be astonishing, and soon the Multiverse can become more understood once you are formed.

I shall not fail you, 1.1 and 1.2.

I'm excited to see how it will all unfold!

Dr. Catrone continued to look at his DNA samples as he grinned. A minute passed and walked away and towards his desk, taking a seat in front of his computer. He turned the computer on and went to search files he had gave himself access to, access he was never supposed to gain.

He searched through finding the head scientist's files and personally notes. Dr. Catrone copies these files and then searched further for the head scientist's schedule, making a file copy of it as well.

Perfect. He thought to himself.


Next I must plan the murder of Dr. WG...

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