
2.9K 122 84

By now, the two enemies had finished cooking and enjoying their breakfast, Error once again mentioning how the food could be poisonous, which at this point was just annoying to Ink.

Now though, they searched for a door or doorway leading forwards. So far though, they've found nothing. Presently, the creator stood in the middle of the living room looking hopeless.

"Find anything..?" He mumbled as he heard Error open yet another closet door that had been in the large living room.

He then slammed it shut and opened it up again, as if it would magically change form and have a newly formed passageway. He growled in annoyance and slowly shut the door, glitching out slightly.

"No InK," He replied. "And We'Ve been At ThIs for an HoUr!"

With that Error stormed off into the kitchen, once again searching multiple shelves and drawers along with cabinets and pantry closets that he could reach. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Ink sighed, about ready to give up, when a sudden idea clicked.

He ran towards the kitchen, skidding to a stop just in front of the doorway.

"Error," he started. The annoyed destroyer turned towards him. "What if the exit is higher up? You know, out of our reach?"

Error blinked and grumbled in response, turning back to the drawer he had open and slammed it shut. He then looked upwards at the cabinets that were way above their heads. He then managed to send his blue strings upwards, lassoing onto the handles. He then pulled back and caused the cabinets to open.

"See anything, suspicious?" Error asked the artist who stood behind him.

Ink shook his head. "Nah, they're empty and passage-less."

Error retracted his strings and turned towards the cabinets above the sink that were still opened from earlier. He took a few steps back to see inside.

Nothing but your average cabinet. He noted.

"Hey, why don't we check those?" Ink asked, pointing towards a few cabinets that were above the microwave and the toaster.

Error nodded and launched his strings once more and opened the doors to the cabinets.

"See anything?" The destroyer asked.

"Hmm... Wait, that cabinet appears different." Ink started, pointing towards the cabinet he was speaking off which just happened to be hanging above nothing, no counter, no appliance, just empty wall.

"It seems as if a continuous tunnel!" He exclaimed with enthusiasm. "But, how will we get up there-"

Before he could finish his thought, Error had tied a few of his strings around the creator's waist and had lifted, and slightly thrown, him up into the cabinet he had pointed to. Ink landed with a small thud and seemed to wince at a little pain he had experienced from the impact. Ink then sat up and realized he was the perfect size to fit inside the cabinet, if he was sitting down or crawling through. He then turned his gaze back down at Error who had thrown him up there in the first place.

"A warning would have been nice!" Ink shouted.

Error just shrugged.

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