Bone Saw

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"So, odd question, what's life like now that you have a soul?" Error asked as he threw a rock at the plain white wall out of boredom.

"Well, it's certainly been different. Weird. Not even close to what I thought it would be, but that's a good thing!" Ink replied.

"Have you always wanted a soul of your own then, since you never really had one..?" The destroyer asked.

"Yeah, always... I've always been a little jealous too at others with souls - which was basically every other creature I've ever known - it's a little embarrassing..." The creator explained.

"Really, jealous? What the hell is there to be jealous of..?" Error asked, looking over at the artist who only sat a few inches away from him.

"Of feeling real feelings, emotions, and not artificial ones like I've always had." Ink replied. "I know it may sound crazy, but after having a an actual soul for a while, or at least something close, there's a noticeable difference. Artificial emotions just don't feel as real, and I choose if I act upon them. With an actual soul, I don't get a choice on when I feel each one, it just happens... Besides that, the emotions a soul provides are stronger for sure, which makes them hard to ignore."

"Heh... Guess I wouldn't know." The destroyer replied.

"Yeah... It makes me wonder if I could ever go back to being soulless." Ink added, putting a lightly closed fist on his chest where his soul was located, frowning sadly. "It's hard to imagine that at this point, no true feelings, no weird but sometimes soothing drum like beating, choices in what I feel... It almost makes me sick to think about it."

Error went like he was about to say something, but there wasn't anything to say. Both remained quiet, listening to their soul beats not by choice along with the buzzing and humming of the lights. The lights soon started to dim down welcoming night.

Ink scooted himself closer to the destroyer, resting his head on the destroyer's shoulder.

"It... It makes me wonder how you manage to hurt so many people, so many innocent people while you have a soul... You know?" Ink spoke quietly. "I... I just don't get it. Wouldn't the guilt get to you, or are you so emotionally hardened it doesn't affect you anymore? It's a rhetorical question so don't worry about giving an answer, but it's something I wonder about."

"I... I really don't know the answer myself... Guess my memory after all my crashing really blurred out what led to it. Then, after doing it for so long, I guess I got used to it... Then it didn't seem to bother me anymore. I don't think I enjoyed it when I started but... I'm not really sure I can say that if I don't remember." Error whispered back in reply, starting to wonder why he could kill hundreds without feeling any guilt once or ever.

He then glanced over at the creator who seemed a little surprised that he had be given an answer that he didn't request to receive.

"...Do you remember anything before you started destroying?" The creator asked, being curious.

The destroyer took a moment to think before shaking his head in reply.

"Like I said before, it all kinda blurred together..."

"That's unfortunate..." Ink replied.

"It's not all bad." Error argued. "Sure its a little sucky, but hey, it allowed me to be use to being alone..."

The destroyer looked to the opposite side of the room, remaining silent.

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