The Invitation

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All seemed peaceful so far today, besides the tiring antics of Error trying to destroy yet another au. Momentarily though, Ink was in the Doodle Sphere, Dream by his side.

Both of them had just arrived back from another one of those battles of trying to stop the Multiverse's main destroyer and Dream's brother, Nightmare and his gang sanses, from terrorizing monsters in a newer au. Luckily for Ink and Dream, Error, Nightmare, and the rest of those who were destroying the place, eventually grew bored and gave up, having retreated. So presently, all else seemed peaceful and well. No excitement... Until Ink had discovered a letter in the Doodle Sphere that was addressed to him. He was currently opening the envelope it was in as Dream glanced at it from over the creator's shoulder.

Once getting it out, Ink started to scan the letter, his eye lights flashing to question marks.

"What does it say?" Dream asked, being curious.

"It's some kind of letter from Science Sans, or, Sci for short. It says-" Ink cleared his throat before starting. " 'Dear Ink, I am excited to tell you of a certain new project that I've been working on, and have been curious to try out. I was hoping you would be willing to travel over to my AU to see it, and for me to further explain it as soon as you can. At the moment, it is titled the Kinder Interaction Demonstrator, which the goal I've been hoping to achieve by using it is bettering interactions between everyone else in the Multiverse, and their enemies, including your little group and the AU destroyers, hopefully leading towards a better balance and perhaps a truce between those who destroy and create multiple AUs all over the Multiverse. I know it seems nearly impossible to achieve, but I'm sure within time and after a few trials with it the final goal can be achieved. Please feel free to drop by at the following coordinates down below!

Sincerely, Sci.'"

Ink's eye lights quickly turned back to their usual blue oval and star as he finished.

"Are you going to go see it?" Dream asked, curious.

Ink hummed thoughtfully, closing his eyes as if thinking it over carefully.

"Maybe..." He stated.

"What harm could it do?" Ink replied, shrugging while opening his eyes, his eye lights different colored squares.

"Alright then, let me know if it seems like a good idea to use. Being able to get along with our 'enemies'..? It sounds like a great idea to spread more joy and positivity!" Dream added excitedly.

"Your right, it could be useful." Ink stated, pulling out his giant paint brush, Broomie, as his eye lights returned to their normal shapes and colors.

"Will you be able to get out of here if I leave?" Ink asked, knowing his friend could only travel to different locations that contained positive feelings and emotions.

"Yeah," Dream replied. "there are plenty of positive feelings around. I'll be fine."

Ink nodded and waved his farewell, painting over the page in the Doodle Sphere leading to Sci's au. The paint then acted like a portal and Ink jumped through.


At the moment, Error had just entered the anti-void once more, luckily in one piece. He had just arrived back after partially destroying another newer au which wouldn't recover anytime soon. He now sat on a swing like structure he had made with his strings. He looked around the empty void and sighed.

It was back to sitting in silence for a little while before getting back the courage and energy to go out and destroy once again.

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