The Dangers of Shopping

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Weeks and weeks passed, adding up to a couple months. All had remained calm and decent. Disagreements would pop up on rare occasion, but that was how life worked.

Presently the destroyer was out on his own in the world of Underswap in its true pacifist timeline. He wore a dark black hoodie, different from his normal one to help hide his identity from being discovered. He had the hood of it up to cover up his face. Besides the hoodie, another change was that he wore dark gray pants to hide himself more and better blend into the crowd. The rest of his outfit remained the same, but no one would be able to notice him compared to every other creature that roamed the streets of the surface of this world.

It wasn't the first time he had adventured around other worlds, it started not too long after the creator suggested that he should try learning to enjoy other alternate universes. Hence, this event was nothing new, but its reason was.

He had gone out in hopes of finding something to propose with to his lover, yet he wasn't sure what to get.

The idea had been bugging Error for a while now, he had even tried figuring out his chances of the other saying yes by telling how life would be if they were together and joking around about it, which he had seen only amused the creator. He was living on a hope and a dream that it would all work out for the better in the end.

One problem still stood, how was he supposed to propose to one of the same gender and with what object? The classic thing was with a ring of sorts, but at most times that is only between the opposite genders, so movie references, book references, or anything else cliche would not help.

He supposed a ring would work best due to being easiest, but he was still unsure.

The destroyer continued to wander the streets of Underswap, his hands in his pockets. He then glanced up and around and noticed a jewelry store not far off. It was at least a place to start.

He made his way towards it through the busy streets of humans and monsters alike as the speeding of quick cars went down the road, most just over the speed limit.

He soon arrived at a crosswalk which led to the other side of the street with the store on it. He waited for the lights directed at traffic and at the crosswalk to change as others stood by him.

It made him feel claustrophobic, and he could only pray no one would bump into him. He might have grown used to Ink, but to every other creature he was still haphephobic.

When the lights finally changed, everyone waiting at the crosswalk made their way across as a huge mob. Error on the other hand waited for most to go across and then followed behind at a safe distance.

Once across he made his way towards the store doors and cautiously entered.

Reality in that moment had dawned upon him, if he were to have questions needing answers or having to request certain things he would have to talk. Talking itself though wasn't the problem, it was his voice that went with it. If anything were to give him away, it would be that.

He kept this in mind as he looked over the multiple metal bands and rings on display near the counter as a few other citizens in the store too looked around and spoke.

He had thought ahead about the metals of each ring, but still constantly debated if a ring was the right way to go. It was already much different than the average proposal, so it didn't have to abide by the rules.

Within the large glass case he looked into were the multiple rings of golds, irons, and other precious metals, all unique in their own ways. Then there was the section of rings beside the plain metal finger bands which had the rings with precious stones, rubies, and diamonds.

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