One Big Mistake

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"What do you mean someone interfered with the mansion?!" Came a shout of a scientist unhappy with his work.

"We planned so much, it seemed flawless."

"W-well, s-s-someone was able to get th-there along with our computers and mess with the mansion by going through 'files'. Or at least that's what you call them."

Sci growled as he snapped a pencil he held in his free hand, while the other held his phone who he was calling a fellow scientist on.

"This is really bad!" Sci exclaimed nervously. "You've literally got two gods, who were changed into children so they wouldn't have as much power to murder each other with nor escape, lost to some other freak show!"

"I g-guess you can say that..."

"This isn't okay!" Sci exclaimed.

"Sans, please try to clam down-"

"'Calm down!' Do you not see how many issues there are with this." The skeleton scientist replied, slouching down in his chair. "First, all my cameras get hacked and taken down not one day in, and now you say someone literally is in there poisoning them according to evidence you found along with kidnapping them, and you're telling me to calm down?!"

"I know. I know. B-but Sans-"

"The entire Multiverse will literally collapse if something horrible happens to them. I made sure all I did was reversible. Who knows what this other person is doing!" Sci interpreted his world's Alphys.

"Yeah... S-sorry."

"It's fine. Absolutely, fine! I've just made a very big mistake..." He replied. "We've just got to find them within the next 24-hours or were screwed."

"I want all spying cameras and drones you've got running." Sci commanded. "Meanwhile, I'll try to figure out our sabotager. It's only hours until I'm able to track them down through what they hacked with. My malware will then shut. Them. Down."


Everything seemed foggy and both of their bones felt incredibly stiff. Ink felt himself coming back to his senses as he presently lay face flat, on the floor. He slowly pushed himself up on his forearms, struggling through the pain, finally managing to press his hands flat on the floor for support. He then slowly opened his eyes to find his worst fear; a room full of pure white.

His eyes widened and his eye lights went to pure white circles. Fear suddenly struck into him and the sudden change in position made him feel sick. He felt like he was about to throw up ink, causing him to quickly cover his mouth with one hand in response as tears started to roll down his face. He felt awful. Everything hurt. Every bone, every emotion, it was all a sea of pain. He struggled to choke back the tears and restrain from puking at the same time as he struggled to get to his feet. He slowly stood up, some of his bones cracking and popping, sending pain through him as he did so. He now stood up right, his vision worsened from the tears continuously building up in his eyes. He suddenly couldn't hold it in anymore and dark black ink gushed out of his mouth. It was quick, and helped ease some of the pain he felt. His joints were still stiff, and his memory still groggy, but he no longer had to worry about staining anything but the white tiled floor beneath him though it would likely disappear later.

Where am I? Why does everything, hurt? Every one of my joints feel stiff. It, hurts... Ink thought, as he felt his knees buckle, dragging him back down to the floor.

He landed on his knees with a solid thud.

I feel so weak... This sucks! Think Ink, think! Where were you last? Who where you with last? Come on! Think-

Suddenly he heard a groan of pain coming from behind him. He turned around, tears still flowing down his face. He recognized who it was right away.

That's right! You were with Error... But what was the reason?

Error slowly was coming to his senses, and just like Ink, he struggled to push himself up from being face flat on the ground. Once doing so, Error struggled to sit on his knees, pain coursing through him, flowing like a river. Even though he was still shaking, and it hurt to move, Ink pivoted himself so he faced Error who still had his eyes closed.

Damn, why can I hardily move? It all hurts! Error thought.

He slowly opened his eyes and waited for his blurred vision to adjust until he could make out the figure of Ink he was in front of him.

That's right... You were in that damned mansion thing with him... Why though, and where the hell are we now!?

Ink looked at the destroyer who returned his gaze. That's when Ink noticed the tears slowly trickling down the destroyer's face. Ink's pained expression turned to one that showed pity, and the destroyer wondered why.

That's when he noticed Ink inching closer, though it clearly hurt him, and take the end of his scarf and wipe away the other's tears. That's when Error's harsh expression softened and he finally realized his tears.

I'm, crying? Why the hell am I crying?! The destroyer asked himself, noticing the wetness of the creator's scarf where the tears had been collected. Damn, I look weak, don't I?

Error looked away from the other and clenched his fists that rested on his knees.

I must look stupid. He told himself. But I can't seem to stop it.

He then noticed the creator move quickly, wrapping his arms around his enemy, pulling the destroyer into a hug.

This caught the destroyer off guard and put him in a state of shocked surprise as he felt himself slightly glitch. He remained still in the awkward moment, the sounds of sobs being the only thing that filled the room.

What the hell..? Is he trying to find comfort or something? Error asked himself.

He watched the other continued to sob, clearly not planning to let go anytime soon. The destroyer felt his glitching die down and did something he never thought he could do. His actions were slow, but he hugged the creator back. He continued to let the tears roll down his face as he attempted to muffle his sobs, not wanting to seem any weaker by crying. They continued to hold onto each other, their tears slowly trickling down their faces and onto each other's shoulders.

Why am I doing this? Why am I so weak?! Error questioned himself. Yet... Why does it feel, almost okay..? I... I'm scared of what's next, but why?

Who would have ever thought I'd be trying to comfort and find comfort in my own enemy... Ink thought. I'm terrified though, and it looks like he feels the same.

Both had a light blush dusting their cheeks due to crying, yet neither could stop for some reason, no did they know what that reason was: The pain? The terror? The weakness? Pity? Or all at once.

The two didn't let go, nor planned to, and they let their almost silent sobs be the only sound within the room.

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