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Presently, a portal opened, facing a large beautiful, well attended to garden of brilliant flowers of all kinds of shapes and colors.

Out from the portal stepped the creator and destroyer, holding hands, their fingers intertwined. They stepped out onto a path leading through the garden towards a house in the distance, the whole area surrounded by lush green forests. From the trees, birds could be heard singing and in the farther distance the low loud croaking of frogs was heard.

The destroyer looked around at the large garden and house at the other side. For a club house or safe house, the place was a lot.

This place is huge... Thought Error as he continued to look around.

He couldn't lie, it was surprising how big the place was, but then again, the artist holding his hand had helped build the separate, well protected, and secretive world. It took an hour at least to alter the code so Error was allowed to enter.

"You ready?" The creator asked, catching the other's attention.

Error nervously looked over at him.

"Sure." He replied shortly, not really wanting to say much.

He felt unnerved. He was sure he could take this like a walk in the park, but was slowly beginning to doubt that after how long it took just so he could set foot inside.

He noticed Ink start walking down the path, and he quickly began himself. It was even that, or he would've been dragged along.

The destroyer continued to look out at the glorious garden, filled with plants he had never seen before. Some plants were even only found in certain aus, but now also had a home here. He watched as bees flew flower to flower, and butterflies of rainbow wings did the same. The place felt more like a sacred sanctuary than just a safe house. The peaceful atmosphere proved that.

I really shouldn't be here... The destroyer told himself as he continued to nervously glance around.

For once, his vision was perfect, so every little detail could be seen perfectly.

Why did I agree to this? He questioned himself as they slowed their pace, and walked up the steps, now standing in front of the door.

Error nervously straightened his posture as he tightened his grip on the other's hand slightly. He couldn't figure out why he was so nervous, if worse came to worse and he had to fight he knew he could take them, or make a quick escape if necessary. Maybe it was because he believed he had to attempt making a good impression like what usually occurs to couples meeting each other's parents for the first time. He knew this was different than that, but he still felt that one goof up could cause him something.

Ink noticed the other tighten his grip. The creator looked up at the other and smiled at him.

Error noticed and gave a nervous smile in return. The creator then turned his attention back to the door and turned the handle, opening it wide as it slightly creaked on its hinges, it's sound being heard by others.

"Hey, Ink is finally here!" Came a shout from another room, followed by quick footsteps.

Seconds later, Blueberry stood a few feet inside the doorway, just having ran from another room to greet them.

"Hey Ink! Woah, you even brought Error with you." The small skeleton greeted. "Well, come inside! I just finished baking cookies for the first time, you both should try some."

With that, Blueberry hurried back the way he came, towards the kitchen.

"Really, cookies?" The creator questioned. "I thought you usually did tacos."

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