What's The Difference?

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It's not any different right? Thought the destroyer as he sat on a hammock made of his things in the anti void. Just because it's our official first date doesn't make the meet up different, right?

He stared up at the string, puppet, and soul covered "ceiling" of the anti void. Like usual, him and Ink were to meet up today, but ever since they both agreed to make it official that they were dating, the thought of it actually being considered a date burned in his mind.

Do I have to dress up for it now? No, that's not necessary, I hope... What's the difference? He asked himself, frustrated and confused.

Is there a difference? Maybe I'm over thinking this... But what if I'm not? What if Ink shows up all fancy and I don't, then what?

What if he drags us to some fancy restaurant? Never mind, that's least likely, he wants to keep us a secret. He actually has a reputation to hold up unlike I do.

Still... What changes now? I wish I could come to some conclusion, even if it's stupid!

Error let out a frustrated groan. He wasn't ready for this, he felt too unsure about everything. Every little thought that raced through his brain made him nervous. He felt his hands start to sweat. He never knew he could be so nervous about something most found so simple.

He continued to think about it all, passing the time, feeling himself lightly blush when he thought about the creator and saw his smiling face in his mind.

The destroyer nervously clutched his sweating hands together.

Was making this official really a good idea? Now this means we have a relationship. That's a lot of responsibility, isn't it..? And I'm lazy...

But I want this.

I want to be, no, I need to be with him. Then I somehow feel complete and content... Is this really what love is? It's so... Odd.

He continued to sit in the silence a little longer before realizing it was time to head out.

"It's time for me to leave, huh..?" He mused.

He sat up from the hammock, nervously kicking his legs back and forth as he glanced at the white floor beneath him. He was procrastinating. He couldn't believe that he was procrastinating this out of everything, but he felt nervous, almost anxious about it all.

Dating the person who used to be only my enemy, my rival...

He felt himself laugh a little at the thought.

I never thought I'd see the day.

He finally convinced himself to stand up, about to make a portal.

It'll be fine... You'll be fine. You don't have to be nervous Error, it's just like all the past meetings. Nothing is changed. He told himself.

Error smiled. He then opened a portal to their normal meeting spot and causally stepped through.


"Oh my stars! You actually agreed to make it official?!" Blueberry shouted.

The team of friends had once again met up like usually, and Dream being curious about it all, had brought up the topic of Error and the creator. They had been casually playing video games while relaxing on the couch when the topic was brought up.

"Y-Yeah..." Ink replied shyly, a light rainbow blush dusting his face.

"You really do like him, don't you?" Dream asked with a smile, already knowing the answer.

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