I Love Him Too

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The humming of the lights turning on was heard, causing the creator and destroyer to wake up. They remained snuggled close to each other, just opening their eye sockets. Neither of them wanted to move as they remained in each other's arms, backs resting against the wall behind them.

The cell felt oddly cold, which was a little unusual, but it could've been worse. Neither of them moved a bone nor smiled, not after the events last night. Both struggled to fall asleep after that, but they had managed and at least got a good three hours of rest, but either way they were still tired. Tired of everything: being here, being seen as experiments, seeing mostly white walls everywhere they looked. Everything seemed to be slowly weighing on them.

"Error..." Ink slowly whispered to the other. "What do you think they were originally planning when they took you out of the cell last night?"

"Who knows... I'm just glad they didn't try anything more with either of us." Error whispered in reply, snuggling closer to the other. "It actually frightened me a little... I swear they were planning to dust me."

"Do... Do you think we're going to trapped here forever..?"

"Don't think that!" Error suddenly exclaimed, his voice echoing around the quiet room.

He noticed the other's shock at him raising his voice.

"I... I'm sorry." Error whispered back in response, apologizing for his sudden outburst. "I didn't mean to startle you, just... You need to remain hopeful, for the both of us."

Ink seemed to relax.

"It's fine." Ink whispered back. "I'll try to stay hopeful, but you have to understand that it's becoming harder with every passing day we're stuck here..."

"I know. I know..." Error replied.

Hope at this point seemed to be the only thing that kept them going. They had to remain hopeful, even if it was false hope, that someone, anyone, would find them and help break them out, but doubts seemed to be taking over.

Suddenly the smaller opening where the door would form opened up and their daily rations were passed under.

Both of their eye lights and eye sockets seemed to widen at the sight, it was more than usual.

Instead of just bread and water, they had also received an apple each along with two wrapped up pieces of chocolate, one for each of them.

Theres no way... I have to hallucinating! They never send this much. Thought the creator in disbelief.

The destroyer seemed surprised as well.

It has to be a trap. It can't be real... They don't even have the heart to send more, I would always expect them to send less. The destroyer thought.

Both of them slowly sat themselves up more and got to their feet. They stared at the food and water in front of themselves for a minute before they made eye contact with each other. They both decided it was worth the risk, and they walked over to the food, kneeling down by it.

Ink grabbed the loaf of bread and carefully tore it in half, handing one half to the destroyer. They then each took one glass of water, one apple, and one piece of chocolate. Neither of them was going to let such food go to waste.

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