2. Hotel Horror

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I smiled as I picked up a plate and followed Eddie around, I met Big Show, Booker T, Rick Flair and a couple more.

We headed to a Table where Undertaker, Kane, Shawn, Hunter, Rob VD, Matt and Jeff Hardy sat along with Rey. Eddie sat down beside Rey and I noticed the only seat left was next to Shawn and Taker.

"Hello, señorita DarkKill" Rey said causing everyone's gaze to turn to me.

I froze in spot, I was met by the eyes of all of my favorites. What was I to do? I slowly hung my messanger bag over the back of the chair and sat down with my tray of food.

Eddie noticed I looked uncomfortable "Guys, this is Adri, she is going to be with us for five months so BossMan can test her out in the ring" he said and started to dig into his food.

Jeff grinned "Hey, aren't you the girl I seen in the wrestle camp magazine? You took down two guys in one fight" he said amazed.

Matt rolled his eyes "You really need to quit with the magazines" he told Jeff and gave me a smile and a nod.

Rob gave me a nod "Nice to see a new face in this place" he said and went back to eating.

Kane looked at me in the face with curiousness "Five months? That is all he is giving her?" he asked Eddie.

Eddie nodded "That is what was said."

Taker looked down at me I felt like a munchkin off of the wizard of Oz, I looked at him in awe.

Here I was sitting by my ultimate favorite wrestler. I was looking at him like I had never seen a guy before, I was embarrassing myself by looking at him like that.

"Do I know you?" His creepy voice rang through the air. The creepy voice that told me to rest in peace years ago, the walking dead man who gold me to rest in peace when I was a kid was sitting right beside me.

"Uh, you-you met me years ago" I stuttered out and gulped "1984. I was ten, as a birthday present my dad took me to watch wrestling... It was your first match."

His eyebrows went down in confusion before his eyes widened.

"Ah, yes. I remember."

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in. I was relieved he remembered me.

Shawn's eyes lit up "My first debut was in 1984" he said with a grin.

Hunter smirked "I am guessing Mark is part of the reason you wanted to wrestle, right?" he asked as he took a bite of food and swallowed before looking at Shawn "Much better than this dumbass."

"Well, yeah. When I was a little kid I was a Andre the Giant fan then Ric Flair. When I was ten Taker had just started to wrestle and I was in awe."

Shawn looked down at his chicken in front of him "How long have you liked wrestling?"

"Liked? Try loved. I was born to wrestle."

Hunter put his arms on the table leaning towards us "How did you feel having to wrestle all guys in school? I heard Vincey-Boy saying that the other day" he told me.

I shrugged "It was a challenge ...and I love challenges. It makes me want more" I tried to explain as I looked at the fruit on my tray "I just enjoy getting out there."

We ate and talked, me and Taker really hit it off. It was like a dream come true, getting to talk to and sit by your role model.

After I ate I stretched my arms and shook my head "Um, anyone know of a nearby bus stop? I gotta get to my hotel" I said and crossed my arms.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now