19. Airplanes and Idiots

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"Be right back" Hunter said, grabbing a newspaper and heading to the bathroom. Shawn put his hand on my knee grinning at me moving in for a kiss, I put my hand to his mouth.

"Not now."

To my horror, he licked my hand making me shriek and wipe it on my pants leg, he was smirking "Come on. Everyone is asleep, and Hunter is in the bathroom" he whispered.

"Why do I keep letting you do this?" I asked annoyed, he smiled and leaned forward to put his hand on my cheek.

"Because you want me."

Someone cleared their throat just as Shawn was about to kiss me, our eyes opened at the same time and he had his mouth open which made me chuckle. Clearly, he was wanting to play tonsil hockey.

"Dude, whatever you want it better be important" he warned and we looked up to see Shane McMahon. I gave a smile.

"Hey Shane."

He nodded with his hands in his pockets "Adri ...Shawn" he said and looked away "I was just wanting to stop by and say, I'm sorry for what my dad is putting you through with Razor and Hart. He likes having views."

"Its fine, Shane."

Shawn gave a annoyed look "Yeah. Its fine. You can go back to wherever you came from now, maybe crawl back into your moms -" I turned and looked at him wide eyed.

"Shawn!" I whisper shouted and smacked his arm making him roll his eyes, I looked to Shane who's face was red and he walked off, I turned to Shawn "Do you have to be mean?"

"What? I just don't like him."

I stared at him for a moment "Sometimes, I cannot believe you" I said, he turned himself in his seat to where his arms were pinning me down in mine, his eyes were shining as he cracked a grin.

"What if I said, I'm sorry?"

I sighed "That could work" I said, he leaned his head down and kissed my neck. My eyes widened "Uhm, Shawn" he trailed his lips down my neck "Stop" I mumbled.

His face was buried into my chest and I heard "Jesus, can I switch seats?!" Shawn pulled away from me and back into his own seat to stare out the window. Hunter sat down beside us looking grossed out.

"I really hate the McMahons ...and Hunter" I barely heard Shawn mumble.

We landed and got to the hotel, Hunter was staying at a different hotel. And Shawn had told Mr. McMahon he was staying with me to keep me safe from 'WWF Monsters.'

Shawn carried our bags into the room and dropped them down into the floor, he turned to me.

"Want to share a bed or have your own?"

I crossed my arms "I'm not stupid. I want my own" I said, he stuck his tongue out at me as I walked to the bed near the window and grabbed my bag on the way.

"Suit yourself."

He landed on his bed with a flop and propped his head up on his hand so he could look at me "You know, I was thinking ..how about I take you out on a date?" he asked.

I looked at him and got out my pajamas "Depends on what your version of a date is" I told him making him grin.

"A romantic dinner before going to the movies, then we go for a walk in the park so I can tell you your eyes are as beautiful as the stars."

"Did you do a lot of thinking, or is that how you treat every girl?"

He smiled "Your special to my heart, whether you want to see it or not" he told me as I walked into the bathroom to change "And feel free to change in front of me. Anytime!"


I grin as I lay on the bed with my hands behind my head, I had taken my shirt off as a temptation to get her to sleep in my arms tonight. Maybe it will work, but she is unlike all the other girls I've been with.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts, I stood up and walked over to open it. I scowled.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

Bret Hart stood there with a grin as he looked at me "I just came by to wish Adri luck before our fight. Oh and I got her these" he shoved flowers at my chest and I grabbed them with one hand "Where is she?" he asked.


I slammed the door in his face and locked it, I walked to the window and opened it looking down at the ground. Then I slung them as far as I could out of it like I did Hunter and Jeff's camera.

This is my woman, go find your own.

I smiled a winning smile as I went back to the bed and laid down with my arms behind my head. Wonder what would happen if I kicked Bret out the window?


I walked out of the bathroom wearing sleeping shorts and a tank top, I looked at Shawn "Was someone here? I heard voices" I said walking to my bed and sitting on it.

Shawn, who had his shirt off and was laying on his bed in his pants, looked at me and shrugged "I was yelling at the TV. Bugs Bunny was going up against Daffy again" he said simply and smirked.

"Alright. So, wanna order room service?" I asked as I sat criss ceoss applesauce on the bed, he looked at me with a grin.

"Not really. I was thinking about-" he stopped talking and I realized something. He was looking at the scar above my knee.

Shit, these shorts are too short, I thought and pulled the covers over my legs quickly.

"What happened there?"

"Nothing, its fine."

He stared at me "Adri?" he asked, I turned on my side with my back to him and fixed my pillow.

"Boy, I sure am tired. Jetlag and all, I guess. See you in the Morning Shawn" I said, I turned off my corner lamp before he could say anything else.

I really don't want to explain the floor jack accident to him. It would make me look weak.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now