40. Killing Me Softly With Nerves

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Shawn is cocky, he is brave, he is smart, he can easily take down ten tacos, but one thing he is not ...is parent material.

At least, my parent.

My dad wants me to have a guy who is a lawyer. Or a doctor. Something like that, I don't think he wants me with someone who checks himself out in the mirror every five seconds and winks at his reflection. ..Or is a wrestler.

Now, my dad is a lawyer. He is strict, he stresses over the least little thing, everything has to be perfect, the only time he laughs is when he is hanging with his best buds drinking beer, and he is a good aim with a gun thanks to years of hunting deer.

Shawn better be a fast runner, because if he pulls any of that joking boyfriend shit like he does with Hunt or the guys, my dad will kill him. Even if we aren't on good terms I'm still his daughter.

His only daughter.

Shawn, however, was a nervous wreck as he packed for Mobile. I sat on his bed watching as he packed up clothes "What do I pack? How do I impress your folks?" he asked before throwing some shirts at me "I need help."

I laughed and threw a shirt back at him "Relax. My brother, Jed, dresses worse than you" I told him. He stopped and turned to look at me.

"Brother? You didn't say you got a brother."

I held up five fingers "Two blood brothers, two steps brothers and one half blood brother who are all older than me" I told him, his face dropped like my uncles boat that came off the trailer while going down the highway when I was five.

"F-five?" He stuttered.

In that moment, I think he was about to pass out. I chuckled at him "Shawn, they ain't that bad. Yeah, they got caught cow tipping, and painting on the water tower, and sneaking into bars ...maybe they snuck into a strip club... And have gotten into most of the fights held at our school-" I stopped seeing Shawn's look and smiled.

"But, they are not horrible. Honestly, they sound like your kind of people."

He gave me a look "Maybe. But when it comes to sisters, brothers are gonna be protective" he said and smiled as he looked at me "I have experience in that."

I rolled my eyes "You are probably the kind of guy you protect your sister from" I told him making him shrug, I smiled and looked at the duffel bag he was packing stuff into, I scowled and pulled out a box.

I held it up to his face "Really?" I said showing him the box of condoms, he grabbed it from me and stuffed it back into his bag.

"What? I might get lucky" he tood me and wiggled his eyebrows, I took them back out and threw them out into the hallway. Far, far away from him, he turned back to me and gave me a puppy look "Those were ten bucks!"

"I don't care if they were a hundred dollars. Not at my parents house, you man-whore."

He sighed "Bitch" he said zipping up the duffle bag, he smiled at me "Maybe soon though?"


"After Mobile?"

I hit his arm so hard he stepped back a inch "Keep it up and you won't get it, ever" I told him making him frown. He rubbed his arm and sat down on the bed beside me, he looked down at me.

Shawn's face turned serious as he hung his hands between his legs looking at something.

"One month ago. I met you. On month ago. I hit on you and you knocked my heart down" he said, he was looking down at his hands "I did not believe we would be where we are now, this is the first time I have had a relationship go fast" he held a ring up to the light through the window and handed it to me "I want you to have this."

It was a High school ring.

I took it from him and just looked at it. It was beautiful, I looked up at him "Your high school ring?" I asked confused, he had a smug look.

"I was captain of my football team. I wanted to give you something for our one month anniversary and since you won't get into bed-" I smacked his bare shoulders again causing him to grunt "-I figure this will be better. Plus I won't get hurt for giving you a ring" he said and crossed his arms like a child.

A grin was placed onto my face as I put the ring on my right middle finger, it fit perfectly. I wrapped my arms around Shawn and kept a tight hold on him, he wrapped his arms around me.

"Honestly, this is the happiest I have ever been in my whole life, I just hope dad puts the Rottweiler and Boxer up while you visit" I said, his eyes widened as he looked down at me, I shrugged "They bit my friend Seth on the ass one time. No biggie, he just had to have a couple shots on his left cheek."

Shawn fell backwards onto the bed carrying me with him, his eyes were huge and he was breathing slowly probably imaginging two huge ass dogs aiming for his ass.

"If a dog bites my ass, your wearing a sexy nurse costume until my ass heals."

I sighed "If one of those dogs bite you anywhere, I will kiss your ass. They are the sweetest two babies" I said and shrugged "Seth provoked them by throwing rocks."

"Why was he throwing rocks?"

"Trying to hit my dad in the head, instead he hit the dog on accident" I said, Shawn gave a confused look "Don't ask. My dad was being a dick."

He chuckled "This should be amusing" he said and tightened his arm around me "I am so nervous to meet your people. From how you talk its like war."

I looked up at him "Looks like I was being prepared for Raw all my life then, huh?" I asked making him laugh.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now