3. Just One of the Guys

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"Um ...Adri?"

"I don't wanna go to work, let me sleep."


"Tony yells at me when I Don't check tire pressure..." I mumbled as someone sighed, I could hear myself snoring.

Suddenly, water was flown across my face and I screamed standing up on the bed. I looked to see Triple H "Dude, what the hell?!" I yelled. Shawn, who we woke up, was laughing in a sleepy way.

"Sorry, but we don't check tire pressure here at WWF" Hunter joked as he helped me down off of the bed. I shook water off of my face and gave a glare.

"Very funny."

Hunter grinned "What were you dreaming?" he asked curiously, I shrugged as I grabbed a WWF shirt that Eddie had given me along with a pair of black pants.

"I worked for a garage in town. I was probably dreaming of that. My boss, Tony, he would yell if we didn't check tire pressure in every vehicle."

Shawn groaned "A girl who works on vehicles. Can you be even more attractive" he complained as Hunter gave him a look.

"Hey! I loved it. Besides I was always called one of the guys back home. My friend, Seth, he told me there was nothing wrong with being myself."

Hunter smiled "There is nothing wrong with that."

"Do you know anything about motorcycles? 'Cause I am having a problem with mine" Shawn said standing up, I hid my head into Hunter's shoulder as Shawn said "What?"

Hunter sighed "Put on some damn clothes. Nobody wants to see you in your underwear" he said annoyed.

"Nobody wants to see what you got neither but, you go out there in the ring in your underwear" Shawn pointed out, I heard a door shut meaning he was in the bathroom. I pulled away from Hunter to see him smiling.

"He does have a point."

"Oh, I know. But, it was made for the ring. Not running around in a hotel" Hunter told me making me laugh.

We waited on Shawn, when he was through I quickly ran into the bathroom and changed into my clothes before exiting the bathroom to throw on my boots. I followed the guys down to the elevator where Taker and Kane walked out of a room to our right and Eddie and Rey walked out of a room to our left.

"Good morning, señorita" Rey said with a smile.

"Morning, Rey."

Eddie chuckled "Did you have a good nights rest?" he asked.

Hunter smirked "Yeah, she dreamed about cars" he said pressing the elevator button and turning to me "She was checking tire pressure."

Eddie and Rey laughed while Kane smirked, Taker raised his eyebrows "Machanic?" he asked me, I shrugged.

"I had to make money for school some way, my uncle owned a garage. I got paid good and I loved it."

"Nothing wrong with that" Kane said as the elevator dinged. We all got in the elevator and I was scrunched between Shawn and Eddie.

"Do you always dream of mechanic work?" Rey asked curiously.

I shook my head "No. Sometimes I have nightmares" I said staring off into space at the elevator doors. I blinked "But, its nothing."

"Everyone has nightmares, they don't mean anything" Shawn said, Triple H smacked his head as the elevator doors opened and I walked out.

Yeah, having a nightmare about a accident is nothing, I tried to agree in my head but my heart said otherwise.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now