76. So Wrong

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I opened my eyes to see Shawn fully asleep with his mouth open, and he was snoring. I smirked as I reached my hand up and civered his mouth and nose with it, something I used to do to my brothers all of the time.

He let out a weird ass noise that woke him up, his eyes opened and he sat upa  little before glaring at me.

"Did you know you are almost as annoying as Hunter?"

I smiled proudly "Yes. But, is it really a bad thing?" I asked making him smile as he looked down at me, he pushed my hair out of my eyes before giving a smirk.

"So, do you always drool when you watch me work out? Or do you drool when you watch me fight too?"

Even though I wanted ronpunch him, I didn't let him get to me. I sent him a sweet smile "I dont know. When you do your 'strip act' it kinda makes me cringe, I mean nobody wants to see that" I joked.

He raised a eyebrow "Nobody but you, right?" he said with a cocky look, I sent him wink before sittng up and against the headboard.

Almost five months ago, I would have never been like this. Being around these guys has made me into a whole different person, especially being with Shawn.

Is it bad that I kind of like being different.

"Come on, you want to watch me work out, don't you?" Shawn asked as he got up off the bed and went to the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes "At the gym. I really don't wanna know how you work out in the shower" I said making him send me a wink as he went into the bathroom.

After I changed into gym clothes a knock came okn the door, I opened it up to find Hunter.

"Where is Shawn?"

I pointed to the bathroom and Hunter pushed past me and towards Shawn's suitcase, he simply picked it up and smiled at me saying "Payback for letting all the guys see me naked because he took my clothes from the locker room" before waking out the door with Shawn's clothes.

No way was I about stop a wrestler. I fight in the ring not out of it.

Plus, I need a laugh.

Shawn's head popped out of the bathroom after I heard that water quit running and he walked out in a towel covering his lower half, he stared at his bed then to me where I sat on mine.

He pointed and said "Clothes?"

I smirked "Hunter came in and got them" I tood him making his eyes go wide.

"Why didnt you stop him?!"

"I dont feel like going toe to toe with a six foot somting machine, Shawn. Plus ..I think this is kinda sexy" I said, a accidental laugh escaping my mouth as  motioned to him from head to towel to toe,

He scowled and yelled "Paul!" And I knew it was bad then, he never cals him his true name.

Out in the hall we heard "Michael!" and Shaw took off running out in the hall in a towel, I peeped out to see Roadie and Billy Gunn hiding, try snatched te towel from his waist and Jeff Hardy held a camera up.

"Smile!" Jeff called before tkaingthe picture and runnin down the hall to his room. I sighed and rolled my eyes, all I had to look at right now was, literally, Shawn's ass.

And the idiots that were laughing.

I groaned "Why is it never a dull moment with you morons?" I asked as Hunter tree him clothes, Kev came out of his and Shawn's room while Scott and 1-2-3 Kid cae out of theirs, Bret and Owen looked out to see what the chatter was about.

Scott laughed "Nice legs, baby" he told Shawn, who's face turned red.

Owen looked like he was gonna throw up "Really ..not a good way to start my morning" Bret said as he looked at Shawn and slamed the hotel door.

Kev sighed "Get your naked ass in here and change" he said to Shawn who ran into te room and slamed te door shut behind him.

Really, I love Kevin. Him and Mark are more normal than of these guys.

And that says a lot.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now