77. Tag Team Annoyance

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For the past three weeks things have been a little ...off.

For one, every time Shawn goes to do 'Sweet Chin Music' he has accidentally kicked Diesel, who has gotten pissed off at him, Kev has talked to me about it saying he don't know how much more of it he can take. Meanwhile, Scott has been a little less, well, Scotty. He has been distant form me while Hunter has really been distant.

And working for Ted DiBiase has actually been nice.

I'm bringing a lot of wins to his corporation and he is loving it, even though I feel like hell afterwards, it is kind of fun to be fighting the guys I have grown to befriend whithin the last five months.

The best part is now that mine and Vince's agreement has reached its end, I am allowed to stay in the WWF and he has been ...nicer towards me here lately. So, me and Shawn have decided to start 'dating' again in fornt of people.

But of course we had to end each date in a  fight, figure McMahon wouodnt mind that.

I now sat on Shawn's lap as we sat at a table surrounded by Kev, Hunt, Scott, Kid, Roadie, The Gunns, Double J and The Hardy's who were all playing poker.

And so far, Shawn was winning.

He had his arms around me staring at his cards while I had a arm around his neck playing with the end of his ponytail, the guys all made a move while I glared at Shawn who sat looking at his cards like he looked at Playboys. Both end like this:

Not taking his eyes off of it, and it made me want to smack him.

I rested my head on his chest as he made a face and made his move sitting his cards down he wrapped his arms so his hands were on my back.

"When I win, I am going to buy you something sexy to wear to bed with these losers money."

Scott rolled his eyes while Hunt smirked "Nice to know its going for a good cause, Shawn. Your sex life" he said making everyone around the table laugh, Shawn threw a cocky smile to which I just shook my head and rolled my eyes.

Meanwhile, Kev looked a little ..annoyed. I think it was somethign to do with Shawn doing sweet music on him yesterday.

I do think it was a accident and that Shawn was just being a little ...careless.

My thoughts were interrupted by a kiss to my neck, I looked at Shawn who was smiling at me with that "I'm up to something" smile of his, it made me raise a eyebrow at him.

After a hour, Shaw did win the game much to everyones shouts of anger and we both headed back to the hotel, but instead of pushing our floor button in the elevator, he pushed the button that wouod go to the top floor.

I raised a eyebrow "Where are we going?" I asked as he kept me close to his side and smiled down at me "Shawn, I dont like secrets."

He bent his head down to mine "I know. It gets you all pouty and I think its hot" he said as the elevator dinged and he pulled away before he could kiss me.

I groaned as he pulled me out of the elevator "You are such a tease" I complained jokingky as he pulled me to the end of the hall and opened a door that read EXIT.

We walked up a set of stairs and to the top of the hotel roof, you could see out to the city and the lights made it shine beautifully.

"Woah" I said as I looked out at the city, it was breathtakingly beautiful how the lights shined, you could see a few stars up in the sky and the moon hung high.

I turned around "This is so beautiful-" lips crashed into mine to keep me from talking.

Shawn already had his shirt off, I ran my hands up to his shoulders as he kissed me sweetly yet wild, I wrapped my arms aeound his neck, touching his hat ready to pull it off.

Then I remembered we were on top of the roof and planes flew by every night.

I pulled away breakin off the kiss "We are on a roof" I said, catching my breath.

He pulled me back to his arms "Yes. That is what its called" he said, his voice rough as he went back in to a kiss, I pulled back away from him, which was hard to do since I was in his arms.

"Planes fly by, do you really wanna do this on a roof?"

He sighed as he put his hands on my cheeks and pulled me towards him, his eyes wild "Adrienne, I have to act calm when we are seen together. Then we have to act out fights to Vincey McMahon. And in reality, I wanna be with you in every which way I can" he said, smirking at me before pressing his lips to mine.

I let him wrap his hands in the bottom of my shirt and pull me towards the middle of the roof where a blanket was, it occurred to me then that this was why he had that "I'm up to something" grin on his face earlier.

I threw his hat off of his head and let him kiss my neck as we srood on the roof under the stars and city lights.


I was in love.

Laying in his strong arms on the blanket that was laid out on the roof while looking up at the stars, it felt nice. Wearing his HBk shirt and smiling as he got into my view of the stars and stared down at me.

Shawns beautiful eyes stared down into mine "I love you" he whispered as he placed a kiss to my head, I snuggled into his arms and smiled as I put my head into his chest.

"I love you."

We knew tough, that we had to get up and put our clothes on, he let me wear his shirt though, he had his jacket slung over his arm as we walked down the stairs, into the elevator and to my room.

I turned in my doorway and looked up at him, he bent down and kissed me again. His tongue swept over my bottom lip making me laugh, he smiled down at me as I pushed at his chest.

"Goodnight, Shawn."

He stared down at me with a smirky look "Goodnight, Adrienne" he whispered as I shut the door on him, turned around snd leaned my back against it.


That night, I couodnt sleep. The tag team partners were fighting.

Shawn and Kev were yelling loud enough to wake the dead in the next room over, it was like a married couple. So I wasn't surprised when I heard a fist beating on the door and Shawn barging into the room grumbkin about Kevin.

I sighed "Shawn, I love you. Truly I do" I interrupted him when he started to talk about cutting off Kevin's balls "But, I really wanna go to sleep" I motioned to the full sized bed.

He had no trouble with getting in that bed and laying his head on mine wrapping his arms around e and hugging into me.

And in the morning, I will happily hear him trash talk Kev before I go down to Breakfast and hear Kev talk about him.

Ugh, men.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now