67. Such a Pain in the Ass

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"I cant believe that just happened."

"Me neither. I am so sorry" I said as I held a ice pack to his eye in the hotwl room, we sat on the edge of the bed and Shawn's eyes was starting to bruise, he cut his good eye over at me as I bit my lip "Was it believe able?"

He grunted "Trust me when I say, I belive it" he said, holding the ice pack to his eye, I shut my owna nd shook my head.

"Do you think Vince will really get off our backs now?"

He nodded "Oh yeah. He was more shocked than anyone. Ted was right, this really will work" he said as he moved away the ice pack and looked down at me "Now we just ave to ..stage a breakup."

I winced as I looked at his eye "God, I feel horrible."

He poimted to his eyes "Kiss my booboo" he pouted making me roll my eyes, I pressed a kiss to his eye and he smiled "Better."

"How are we going to be together after we stage a breakup?"

He shrugged "We could get connected rooms? Me and Hunt or me and Diesel will stay in one and you cna stay in the other when really we will be rooming together."

I nodded "What about dates?" I asked.

He smirked "Who needs ro go out when we have room service, movies on the TV and ..a perfectly good bed" he said, inching his face forward ro kiss me. I put my finger between our lips and he frowned.

"Hold on a  minute there, cowboy. You realize other giros will think you are free right?"

"So? Other guys will think you are free. I swear to God if Hunt or Sxott hit on you my fist will connect with their faces."

I rolled my eyes "Shawn, sweetie. I have more willpwer than you with that kind of situation."


I just stared at him "When you are out on the streets and a girl flashes her breast at you, are you gonna jump at her?" I questioned.

He started to speak, ten stopped. He pressed his lips together and looked at me "We have to tell Diesel and hUnter so if any girl tries that try cna make me look away."

I nodded my head and rolled my eyes "And we have ro tell Mark too."


I smirked and looked a him "Remember how he reaced when he found out wew ere dating?" I questioned, his face dropped and he winced.

"Fine. But, they are the onoy ones that can know."

Later that day, as we were packing our stuff up we called over Kevin, Hunt and Mark to tell them about what was going on.

Hunter looked amused, Kevin looked annoyed and rolled his eyes while Mark ...was actually laughing.

"I can't believe you decked him on live TV" Mark said as he laughed his ass off, Shawn glared at him the best he couod because of his eye.

Hunter smirked "So, you two are doing this to keep McMahon off your asses and only to put men on Adri's and girls on Shawn's?" He questioned.

I smacked the back of his head "That is where you bozo's come in. Anyone tries ro make a pass at us, or we get caught up in a moment you are to either knock the hell out of us or gain the other persons attention away from us" I said and rolled my eyes "Mainly Shawn."

Shawn scowled "I am not that bad."

"Yea, you are" we four chorused making him look annoyed.

Kev sighed "Fine, we wont tell anyone. But, do you plan on 'getting back together' soon?" he asked.

Shawn smiled "In tow months, when Adri's time is up. We announce that we are back together and Vince can kiss our asses."

Mark chuckled "Hopefully, you wont get decked by your girlfriend next time around" he joked causing Hunter to laugh, me to hold back a grin and Shawn to glare.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now