80. No Longer a Tag Team

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"I cannot belive our Adri has finally decided to go up against a female wrestler for the WWF Women's Title."

I shot a smile back at Hunter "I wouldn't be doing it if Shawn hadn't given me the idea" I said and threw a smile to Shawn, he wiggled his eyebrows at me in a playful way, Hunt and Kev noticed this and made a gross face at each other.

"I do not wanna know how that idea came up" Hunter said before walking out of the locker room with Kev, Shawn stood up and stretxhed his arms out showing his muscles for me.

I won't lie, my eyes followed them.

He caught me looking and gave a smirk "Drooling yet?" he said, teasing me. I walked forward and put a hand on his belted chest making him look down at me.

"After I win tonight, you are giving me a shoulder massage using those muscles."

"If you lose tonight, you are putting on that sexy nightgown and curping up beside me on the bed."

At that moment, Owen and walked into the locker room to grab his duffel, he made a face "Get a room" he told us before walking back out the door, Shawn shit him the middle finger before wrwpping his arms around me.

Our lips met and a knock sounded beside the locker room door on the wall cathcing my attention.

Alundra Blayze stood there rolling her eyes "Its almost time for our match, kid" she told me before nodding at Shawn who nodded his head at her.

"Give me a minute, Blayze. I'm kind of trying to set a deal up with HBK here" I said, winking at Shawn who sent a smirky cocky look down at me.

Alundra laughed "When you are done meet me at the gorilla" she said before walking away from the door and towards the hall.

Shawn sighed "I suppose, since you are making girlie friends now, you won't be using the mens gym anymore, huh?" He pouted and I touched his bottom lip with my pointer finger.

"If I do, it doesn't mean I can't still watch you work out" I said making him grin and bite my finger wit his teeth.

"See you after the fight, my dear" he said, kissing my cheek as he let go of me so I could walk out the door.

I met Alundra at the gorilla and she shook her head smiling at me "I dont know what you do to that boy, but you have to teach me how to show men new tricks" she said.

I laughed "I didnt do anything. All I did was become his girlfriend" I said as AI looked around us at the people walking by.

She sighed "Whatever. All I know is that you have really made him a love sick puppy, I want one" she said as a ref nodded to her and she gave me a smile before heading out to the ring.

I stood there for a moment letting her get her praise from fans, and I thought to myself: Have I really chaged him? Or is he just acting that way?

I didnt have much time to think on it as my theme played and I walked out with DiBiase by my side as fans cheered for me and booed Ted.

This was the life.


Scratch that, this is the life.

Laying on my stomach on the hotel bed while 'good ol' HBK' rubbed my aching shoulders from a hell match with Alundra was heaven.

I lay my forehead down to touch the mattress as he rubbed my shoulders and back "A little more to the left, sweetie" I said when he went more towards the right shoulder.

He scowled "Hey, who is giving te rub here? I cant believe you actually won it. Now I will never see you in that sexy night gown" he grumbled making me chuckle at how pissy he was getting.

"Oh, cheer up. I won't against Blayze and Kev actually won the World HeavyWeight Championship against Bob Backlund. You gotta be proud of him."

It was true. Three days after their argument and Kevin actually showed people he was a little better on hsi own, I Shawn wasn't proud then I was.

Kev deserves it.

I give up on trying to make the two make up, eventually they will, but I wasnt going to worry about it.

Shawn grumbled soemthing and smacked me on the butt "All finished up, your highness" he said in a tone, I turned to look at him to see he was smirking.

I raiwed my eyebrow "You souodnt of made the deal" I told him as I sat up on the side of the bed and moved hair from my face.

He sat down beside me "I know. Look, Adri. I was talking to Vince and he wants me to be a announcer this Monday for Raw, I told him yes" he said amking me raise my eyebrows "I think it will be fun, plus I get to that about Kev-"

"Do it. I think you will have fun, just ront sit so close to the barricade, zi dont wanna lose you to a crazy ass fan of yours" I told him amking him laugh and wrap a arm around me.

"You couldn't lose me if you tried to, babe."

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now